"Faux News." "Liars." "Not really a news organization." "A right-wing propaganda machine."

I want them to prove it. And I've got a 1-ounce Kruggerand from my Y2K bunker* (today's spot price: $1,040) waiting for the first 'progressive' who can provide me with a documented lie repeated by Fox News reporters.
There are just four simple rules:
• Typos don't qualify ("ooh, the news ticker used a 'D' after his name, not an 'R'!").
• The lie must have been repeated by at least two national Fox News reporters and left uncorrected.
• The transcripts and/or video clips must be available on the Fox News website for verification.
• The story, refuting the Fox News lie, must have been correctly reported at around the same time by news reporters from CNN and MSNBC (with links and/or transcripts from their sites).
Just one lie! That's all I'm asking for. This should be the easiest $1,000 you've ever made, libs. Just post your answer in the comments section along with your email address before November 3, 2009.
And given the devaluation of our currency by President Training Wheels, the Kruggerand could be worth $1,500 next week.
Ready? Get set... go!
* Since converted to a super-secret 2038 Bunker.
Update: Comment from the Greenroom:
Oh, I’ve got it.
Fox News falsely claimed that the President had shirked in his duties in the National Guard, and in fact produced fake documents to back up their assertion!!!
Now, do I get my $1K? Oh, that was CBS? Oops…
Ok, I’ve got it! Fox News set out to prove a safety defect with some trucks. But when they couldn’t get the trucks to blow up, they rigged them with explosives. Oh, darn it, that wasn’t Fox News either?
Alright, how about when they made up accusations of American troops using chemical weapons against defectors in Vietnam? Oh dear – again this wasn’t Fox?
It is almost like Fox is in fact the lone bastion of journalistic integrity out of the big news networks or something…
18-1 on October 27, 2009 at 12:36 AM
Linked by: Grand Rants. Thanks!
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