Frank: "We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government": RCP
The Modern-Day Race Hustlers: PJM
Constitutionality of health overhaul questioned: Times
What if Bush had done it?: Hot Air
Narcissistic Rage in the White House: AT
Signing away sovereignty: AT
ACORN's Nutty Antics: New American
Obama fails to pursue those responsible for meltdown: MNT
Read the bills? How about the Constitution?: Examiner
Fred Thompson to Newt: We’re Not Deaf, Dumb & Blind: GWP
Why a Harmer Win Would be Huge: AT
NY-23: The Two-Week Turnaround: RSM
Bring on More Alan Grayson: Wizbang
You Lie! Dem Rep: Obamacare To Cover Abortion: GWP
Frauds Plague Federal Health Care: ExaminerMore Arrogation of Power?: Denninger
Did Goldman's CFO Lie To The Investing Public On September 16, 2008?: Zero Hedge
$234,000 to create 1/2 of a job: Virtuous
Dem Donors Rewarded with White House Perqs: Times
We the people... don't want to pay for our own health care: MYODBP
Stimulus Strings Will Limit State Options: Investors
Obama’s FCC, liberal churches, and the “media justice” mob: MalkinCNN nails Valerie Jarrett to the Wall on Fox Bias Claim: Hot Air
CNN's ratings falling faster than Obama's: Power Line
A Graphic History of Newspaper Circulation Over the Last Two Decades: Awl
Interview with Charles Krauthammer: 'Obama Is Average': Spiegel
Mediaite: Is Rachel Maddow the Glenn Beck of the Left?: NewsBusters
Warning Signs: 60 Minutes Questions Fed's Ability to Manage Health Care: BlogProf
Nope. No Bias Here. Move Along Now.: Wizbang
Savage on the President's Narcissism: YouTube
What Bill Ayers Saw in Barack Obama: AT (Cashill)
Biden's Favorable Rating Plunges: InstaPundit
Climate & Energy
Manufacturing Money and Global Warming: Science and Public PolicyDem’s Cap & Trade Bill Is $3.6 Trillion Gas Tax Too: GWP
Prominent Russian Scientist: 'We should fear a deep temperature drop -- not catastrophic global warming': Depot
The Unfinished War: SpyerVoting Al-Qaeda in Ohio: PJM (Poole)
Israel slams UN Human Rights Council: PatRoom
Am I wrong to laugh at this?: Hack Wilson
US National Anthem by the Academy Choirs: YouTubeMade in China: Fake Brand-Name Condoms: China Hush

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