
Clean Up Your Own Mess, Mr. President: LegalIns
Barack Obama's Anti-Semitic Website: BigGov
Al Sharpton, You're Fired!: AT
Academia goes silent on free speech: WSJ
Barack Obama: A Man Apart: PJM
Splitting ObamaCare to Fool the Public: AT
Health Czar Emanuel: We Must Deny Care to Elderly, Disabled: Examiner
Scozzafava Struggles for Support in NY23: PJM
Obama DOJ supports the illegal immigrant vote (again): STACLU
Union President Turns On Obama over Health Care: Dollard"In a Banana Republic, You Never Know": Power Line
Unions pay members $11/hr. for staged ObamaCare rally: BMW
Bertha Lewis’s “Sista From Another Mista,” Randi Weingarten: BigGov
Obamaconomy: Has TEOTWAWKI gone mainstream?: TigerHawk
NYT: Fox News Winner in Fight With Obama: NewsBustersLimbaugh Bad, Mao Good: Steyn
Cop Kill Apologist Canned by Fox: AIM
Happy Days! NYT Says Recession is Over!: AT
A Protest at UNO: SIGIS
Sharpton threatens to sue Limbaugh: Ace
“I Admit It. I Want My Reality Back”: Driscoll
HuffPo Death Watch: Fausta
Warren Ballentine Tells Juan Williams to "Go back to the porch!": AmDig

The AP: The Original 'Birthers': JWF
Can we talk? Blogging for profit: S. Weasel
Climate & Energy
CO2 driven global warming is not supported by the data: ATPerfect: CBO chief says Cap-and-Trade would slow economy: BlogProf
Pakistan launches massive assault on Taliban: WizbangIranian Revolutionary Guard Commanders Assassinated: TAB
Maybe the Olympic Committee wants a do-over: JWF
Why I Take Ahmadinejad’s Money: PJM (Gould)
Palestinian Prime Minister Rejects "Mickey Mouse" State: Rubin
How to raise good cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol: BlogProfGuess which planet or satellite this is: TAB
Tweaking Vista: Maggie's Farm
That Viral Drunk Video: AceTop 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History: BuzzInn
Al's Song: Asian Correspondent
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