
Obama a tough guy, at least with Fox News: Steyn
The plan to slam 'universal voter registration' through Congress : Cold Fury
Health reform written behind closed doors: Times
Mayor Daley's empty property tax rhetoric: Examiner
MI Gov.: GOP 'bowing at altar of teabaggers': BlogProf
NY-23: Interview with Doug Hoffman: JIP
WWII Vet Warns of Complacency: BMW
See It Coming: Owners Take Orders From the State: Green RoomObama vs. Chamber: another SEIU payoff?: Breitbart
FDIC's Bair Addresses a Worried Nation: Zero Hedge
SEIU leads new banking shakedown campaign: Malkin
Video: California treasurer tells legislature to get a clue: Hot Air
MI Rep to Voters: 'Stop Calling Me!': BlogProf
Daily Scoreboard: SurberIsrael Loses the Propaganda War: AT
Speak No Evil, If by Evil You Mean “Disagreement With Obama”: Dewey
Laura Ingraham opens up a can of whoop-ass on Charlie Gibson: Malkin
When Journalists Attack!: Driscoll
The Power of a Logo: Conservative Hippie Chick (PJTV)
More childish obsession with Fox from the White House: AT
Maureen Dowd decries Islam's misogyny: Brutally Honest
NPR objects to the use of its content: BlogProf
NY-23: Ordinary Americans make miracles happen: RSM
NY-23: Tea Party Mandate: Take Back the Party: Hoffman
Dan Rather Hailed for 'Courage' at University of Texas; Bashes Fox 'Propaganda': NewsBusters
Climate & Energy
British energy producers say emission limits 'delusional': TelegraphAliens Cause Global Warming: CBullitt (Crichton)
Climate Alarmists: Understandable Motivations, Unknowable Results: PJM
Think Globally, Cull Locally: Steyn
Obama Remembers to Forget: Power LineJohn Kerry to the Rescue: AT
What Is Zionism?: GM's Place (Grobman)
A word from Kristofer Harrison on Obama’s ingrates: Power Line
Nuclear Fallout: Steyn
Obama Sends Love Note to Cuba: S&L
Obama Heads to Oslo for Nobel; Too Busy for Berlin Wall Ceremony: PJM
Palestinians Riot At Temple Mount: S&L
Gartner: Loosen up on social networks, security: CNetCornucopia
Lilah Agonistes: C & S (Language Warning)Tiger Picture of the Day: TigerHawk
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