
Obama sees worst poll drop in 50 years: Telegraph
While His Team Wars with Itself, Obama Dithers: Roeser
Democrats worried about Obama’s enemies list: Protein Wisdom
GAO Report: No Evidence TARP Worked; Money Missing: Ace
Sarah Palin Strikes Back: PJM (Clouthier)
Priceless. Protest Erupts at Massive Flu Shot Line: GWP
Do most Americans hate America?: LegalIns
Dems blast White House for predicting Deeds loss: InstaPundit
The Unaccountable Obama Czar State: Foundry
Boom! Friends of Angelo...: Denninger
Lenin: Trade Unions are a School of Communism: CubeMortgage tax credit fraud by illegal aliens? Shhhhh…: Malkin
'Fierce urgency' for jobs, not health care: Examiner
The Debt Death Spiral: AT
The bogus death statistic that won’t die: Malkin
Comedy Gold: Michigan Ad Placement FAIL: BlogProf
Senate Democrats wary of health care deficit spending: Barone
Possible Credit Dislocation: Be Warned: Denninger
AP stammers out explanation of Obama's catastrophic job loss numbers: BlogProf
Fox Wars: The 'post-partisan' president makes an enemies list: HammerHome Grown Terrorism in America: Connecting the Dots: PJM
USAToday/Gallup Poll: Obama's Support Drops Again; Headline: 'Hopes buoyed on race relations': Ace
Heh: Graydon AWOL as Vanity Fair cuts staff: Post
Nicole Kiman is really smart: WWTDD
Boston Terror Suspect: Just Another ‘Typical American Kid’ with Terror Aspirations: PJM (Shackleford)In an alternative universe...: ThreatsWatch
Huge explosion in PR oil refinery: Fausta
Stepping away from Israel will weaken the United States: Romney
Memo to Sarkozy: How to Get Some Love From the Obama Administration: TaxMan
Everyone Accepts Iran Nuke Deal - Except Iran: JPost
Quote of the Day: Theo Spark
Tokyo Motor Show: MaktoobTechnical Advice from Tim Berners-Lee: CNet
Trillion Dollar Bill Offer: YouTubeSquirrel Melt: W. C. Varones
Dallas police chief: Dozens of tickets issued for not speaking English: Dallas Morning News
Illustration: Dr. John.
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