
NY-23: Hoffman Needs 'Boots On the Ground' vs. ACORN: Spectator
The Momentum of History: Doc Zero
Newt for 2012? No Thanks: Malkin
My interview with Wade Rathke: Provocateur
The Reform-Minded Conservative: Times
Primary the bastards: a Conservative Earthquake: PJM
Newt Gingrich… Disingenuous at best: Governeur
Something really scary for Obama's Democrats: Times
Reid: "I Have Nothing to Announce, So Pay Attention": LegalIns
NY-23: Heating Up: Patterico
P. Kennedy: Church Fanning 'Flames of Dissent, Discord': BlogProf
Medicare Fraud: $60B and Growing: AT (Hass)California Budget Solution? Ignore It: Doctor Housing Bubble
3-BR Homes w/Granite Countertops: a Human 'Right': Wisdom
Why Health Care Reform Will Implode: Riehl
Generous pay for new Freddie Mac CFO: BizWeek
A Reminder: What Teachers' Unions Do In California: STACLU
Latest Rasmussen Data on Michigan and the Economy: STACLU
'One of the biggest bait-and-switch acts in history': Riehl
Fact-checking the New York Times on Iran and Nukes: PJM (Simon)Rove's Secret Plan Is Working: Fox Ratings Up 10% Since Obama Declared War: Hot Air
Far Left Nutcase Krugman Calls Conservatives 'Teabaggers' In NYT: GWP
On FNC, A Sadly Mistaken Newt Doubles Down: GWP
Mission Accomplished: Patterico
Memo to Spitzer: Put a Sock in It: Examiner
Plenty of Blame To Go Around for CNN's Rating Plunge: Driscoll
Newspaper Circulation Circles the Drain: JWF
Fox News Channel's Ratings Soar After White House Attack: NewsBusters
Climate & Energy
EPA putting the brakes on coal: Hot AirThe Race Against Nothing: AT
'Save the planet, kill yourself': BlogProf
Decline is a choice. But is it America's choice?: HammerWhy 1978 was a very bad year and 2010 could be, too: Examiner
Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser: Telegraph
Russia's Strategy of Manipulation: PJM
They Love Obama, They Really Love Him!: JWF
Danon: Criminalize 'Peace Now': INN
Mobile Phone Wars!: DenningerCornucopia
Damn, It Feels Good To Be a Victim: PJTVExciting GT2 finish at Laguna Seca: Speed

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