Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 8, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: A Nation Without Heroes

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A Nation Without Heroes: J. D. Longstreet
You and I are the extremists, not Nidal Hasan: AWD
MLK's Last Speech: “I Have Been To The Mountaintop…”: Ali Akbar

Hillary’s Infamous Benghazi Outburst given new meaning: Shoebat
Conservatives Must Remove Traitor RINOs in Primaries or By Recall: CFP
Selected Scenes from the Great National Discussion on Race: Ace

The speech, the dream and me: Cal Thomas
DA: Race not a factor in murder of Aussie baseball player: RWN
Bradley Manning Is Not a Woman : Kevin D. Williamson


Americans in shock as work hours, health benefits cut due to Obamacare: DCC
New York City's Prisons: Gilded Cages: Rebecca Harshbarger, Post
The War on Americans: 90 Miles From Tyranny

Ohio: Another Muslim food stamp fraud ring busted, netted $780,000: Creeping
Ford's Risky 2015 Mustang Could Alienate Loyal Fans: My Daily Kona
EBT Users and Increased Fraud: Libertarian Republican

Scandal Central

IRS now targeting the American Legion: Patrick Howley
Team involved in tracking Benghazi suspects pulling out, sources say: Adam Housley
Snowden suspected of bypassing electronic logs: AP

Larry Summers and the Secret "End-Game" Memo: Greg Palast
Obama Warns ICE Agents Not To Arrest Or Deport Illegal Immigrants If They Have Children: WZ
Democrat Hero Filner Resigns: Calls it a 'Coup': Doug Powers


The Foul Stench of Brian Beutler’s Truthlessness Has Become Intolerable: Robert Stacy McCain
How could Oberlin be so cruel as to play along with the racism hoax?: LI
Boy arrested over baseball star's murder tied to robberies with PREGNANT girlfriend: Daily Mail

The Oklahoma Story: No, Piers, it’s not about guns: Ben Stein
The Unprecedented Secrecy of the Obama Administration: Tom Fitton
Sarah Palin takes on DHS over employee with hate site; also talks Ashton Kutcher: Scoop


Dangerous Times: Russia Rising in the Middle East: James Lewis
Obama’s New U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power Skips Emergency Security Council Meeting: WZ
You gotta love it when they make our points: Gun Free Zone


NSA hacked into encrypted UN communications, leaked documents show: David Meyer
Perceived missteps may have hit a tipping point for Ballmer: Juan Carlos Perez
Tuolumne Fire: Threatens Power to San Francisco: Kirk Raymond


Peter Dinklage: “I Hate that Word, ‘Lucky’”: Ari Armstrong
A Recap of This Week’s College-Bound and Down Tour: MOTUS
My Thought On Ben Affleck As Batman...: Soylent Siberia (NSFW)

Image: Kevin LaMarque, Reuters
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: 9/11 Million Muslim March In D.C. To Be Met By 2 Million Bikers

QOTD: "Brian Beutler‘s day job selling cheap Mexican heroin at the playground near an elementary school wasn’t producing enough revenue, and his weekend gig pimping kidnapped orphan girls to Saudi oil sheiks still didn’t make the nut. The cost of living is outrageous in DC nowadays and so, finally, Brian Beutler was forced to the desperate resort of doing something genuinely heinous, writing lies for

Yesterday, an AOSHQ co-blogger let his hatred of Maureen Dowd get the better of him and actually linked a Salon takedown of her. As much as I despise Maureen Dowd, however, the fact that she was denounced by Alex Pareene makes me think the old gal must have accidentally written a couple of factually accurate sentences lately, because if there is anything that Salon hates more than facts, it’s accuracy.

Generally speaking, every word published by Salon is the exact opposite of truth, and they only employ writers so fanatically dishonest that even such infamous organs of mendacity as the New York Times and the Washington Post want nothing to do with them." --Robert Stacy McCain

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