Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 8, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Marco Rubio and the Immigration Surrender

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Marco Rubio and the Immigration Surrender: John Hayward
Why the Law Does Not Matter to Obama: Donald Sensing
World Gone Mad: HayRide

As He Guts Military, Obama Is Militarizing a Domestic Force: Moonbattery
Hillary or Bust?: LI
GOP Must Shed Establishment Defeatism: David Limbaugh

State A.G.'s warn: ObamaCare a “privacy disaster waiting to happen”: Hot Air
George Will Notices that Obama has Hacked the Constitution: Bryan Preston
Robert Blagojevich ‘comes clean’ and gives up Jesse Jackson, Jr.: IP2P


SEIU leaders openly brag about illegal immigrant members: Breitbart
Obamacare Let Feds Use Force To Do Home Inspections: John Hawkins
Is Selling Bonds the Taste of Things to Come?: Mish

Scandal Central

Hillary Tied to Group That Laundered $250B for Iran, Violated Sanctions: RWN
NSA Violated Surveillance Privacy Rules – at Least 2,776 Times: Reason
EPA may have tried to evade Freedom of Information request, judge says: Lenny Bernstein

Can Obama write his own laws?: Charles Krauthammer
The NSA is Commandeering the Internet: Bruce Schneier
TX Rep. on Possible Rodeo Clown Probe: ‘We Can’t Even Get the DOJ to look at Benghazi!’: Nice Deb


WaPo Bombshell: Obama Lied About NSA Not ‘Actually Abusing’ Its Powers: Bryan Preston
White House submits ‘substitute language’ for Washington Post’s NSA story: Twitchy
Obama card-playing Situation Room pic-slam sparks side-splitting riff: Twitchy

Interview: Ben Shapiro Talks Bullies: Ed Driscoll
RNC considering Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin as moderators?: Ed Morrissey
Let Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin And Sean Hannity Moderate A Democrat Debate: Glob

Egypt Burns, Obama Makes Waffles: Stephen Kruiser
Checkmate: Bill O’Reilly Humiliates Al Sharpton On National TV: Nice Deb
Anthony Weiner’s Relationship With Former Staffer Raises Questions: Politicker


It's official: Obama has surpassed Jimmy Carter: John Hinderaker
US Troops Beg for Supplies: DOD Turns a Blind Eye: Hannity
Syrian rebels McCain supports executes young boys: Shoebat

Eisenhower, Snowden and the military industrial complex: Robert X. Cringely
So the Egyptian military is killing the Muslim Brotherhood? Great! Pass the popcorn: AWD
Unstoppable Super-Packs of Wolves Roaming Russia: Julian Kossoff


New species is first carnivore found in the Americas in 35 years: John Timmer
Learning more about our advertising future in Google Glass world: Scobleizer
" target="_blank">The Top 20 Data Visualization Tools: Brian Suda


Pics from the Interwebz! 8/9 - 8/15: Morlock Revolt (Language)
The End of Books: Seth Godin
Insane Clown Posse Award Poll: MOTUS

Image: 90 Miles From Tyranny
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Focus: List of Congressional Town Halls - Find One Near You!

QOTD: "[I]nstead of the new birth of hope and change, it is the transformation of a constitutional republic operating under laws passed by democratically accountable legislators into a servile nation under the management of an unaccountable administrative state. The real import of Barack Obama’s political career will be felt long after he leaves office, in the form of a permanently expanded state that is more assertive of its own interests and more ruthless in punishing its enemies. At times, he has advanced this project abetted by congressional Democrats, as with the health-care law’s investiture of extraordinary powers in the executive bureaucracy, but he also has advanced it without legislative assistance — and, more troubling still, in plain violation of the law. President Obama and his admirers choose to call this “pragmatism,” but what it is is a mild expression of totalitarianism, under which the interests of the country are conflated with those of the president’s administration and his party. Barack Obama is the first president of the democracy that John Adams warned us about." --Kevin D. Williamson

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