Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 8, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: GOP Leadership Plan for Continuing Resolution/Obamacare: Meekness or Malice

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GOP Leadership Plan for CR/Obamacare: Meekness or Malice: Daniel Horowitz
Ted Cruz: “Why Does Obama Want to Shut Down The Government?”: Nice Deb
Is America Inching toward a police state?: Rodrigo Sermeno, PJM

Liberty Amendments: Congressional Term Limits: D.C. McAllister
The Thug Culture That Killed Chris Lane: Arnold Ahlert
Clyburn pulls the Nazi card on Rightwing Bloggers: Samuel Gonzalez

Talk of the Townhalls: Impeachment: Nice Deb
Mark Levin: A Modern-Day Constitutional Prophet: David Limbaugh
Anger Issues: Second City Cop


"If you're a Democratic UVA employee-this is what you voted for.": Moe Lane
Bond Market Misconceptions, Facts, and Fallacies: Mish
The Top 20 Things Hipsters Could Buy Instead of Obamacare: Emily Zanotti

Scandal Central

DHS worker's ‘Racial Warfare’ website calls for mass murder of whites: BPR
Obama’s HHS: Now Hiring for the Obamacare Police Force: Dean Garrison
89-year-old WWII veteran beaten to death by black teens in Spokane: Scoop

ICE Apologetic for "Rounding Up" Immigrants: David Seminara, CIS
Pat Smith: ‘I want the whole world to know...Hillary lied to my face...[should not] be president’: Scoop
NSA Kills Parody T-Shirt Sales: Moonbattery

Climate & Energy

"Tepco Has Lost Control" - What Is Really Happening At Fukushima In Four Charts: ZH
Al Gore Compares Climate Change Skeptics to Racists, ‘Homophobes’: Bryan Preston
Al Gore Channels Nigel Tufnel: Steve Maley


Beware Al-Jazeera Coming to America: Gatestone
CNN Arabic Corroborates our Report on Obama’s Brother: Shoebat
Ted Cruz has a Message for the Republican Establishment: TPNN

The Perfect Symbol for the Postmodern Left: TAB
Oprah's New Dress Deftly Combines Negative Space and Glans: Ace
Koch brothers will not buy Tribune papers: Dylan Byers

‘What’s going on’ with America’s values?: Lloyd Marcus
Mark Levin slams former McCain aide Nicole Wallace, says Obama should be impeached: Jeff Poor
Allen West Visits Early Presidential Primary State of NH: Shark Tank


Russians Inspect Missile Defense Base in California: Bill Gertz
Arab Spring: Worst Soap Ever: Ann Coulter
Obama’s Brother: Muslim Brotherhood Leader?: Raymond Ibrahim


Facebook’s latest local venture – breaking into restaurant reservations: Deanna Sandmann, InsideFacebook
With worker retirements looming, IT starts to prepare for a workforce exodus: Fred O'Connor
Coding Practices MUST Be Followed : TheDailyWTF


In the Shadow of Death: David Yeagley, Bad Eagle
Fundamentally Transforming America, Hip Hop Style: MOTUS
Let It Burn: Ace

Image: Artist's conception: Ben Affleck as Batman
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support the Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "At some point, rank-and-file conservative activists will have to confront an inconvenient reality. The Republicans in Washington are not just dumb or spineless – they are the problem. They don’t share our values and seek to undermine our beliefs. The only way that will change is if we return the favor and thwart their political careers.

Earlier this evening, Speaker John Boehner announced his grand plans for fighting Obamacare in the budget. He will pass a short-term continuing resolution (CR) until some time in December, grouping the new budget deadline with the debt ceiling date, and create another grand end-of-year fiscal cliff. He will fund Obamacare in the short term CR, but by George, he will fight like hell in the debt ceiling battle! " --Daniel Horowitz

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