Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 7, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Obama's Death and Taxes Economy

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Obama's Death and Taxes Economy: Sultan Knish
Obama on unilateral action: Lawyers? I don’t need lawyers: Byron York
Yes, the RNC really DID support federal oversight of state elections: Adams

Why won’t Republicans defund Obamacare?: Conn Carroll
Justice Rips Off the Blindfold: Diana West
Yet another attack in revenge of Trayvon Martin's death, this time in DC: Lott


What’s ‘Phony’ Is Obama’s Economy: Tom Blumer
Detroit in 1965 and the divisive rhetoric that poisoned its economic future: LI
80% Of US Adults Are Near Poverty, On Welfare, Or Unemployed: ZH

Thousands quitting public sector unions in Wisconsin: Steve Gunn, EAG
Chicago Next? City Cash Plummets To Only $33 Million As Debt Triples: ZH
Chicago Public Schools Downgraded Again: Ted Dabrowski

Bye, Bye Middle Class! Thanks, Obama!: LoneCon
ECB Expert: France Will Soon Need Help Selling Bonds: Mish
NC ends Tenure Pay Increases for Teachers: Breitbart

Scandal Central

Benghazi hero provides gripping details for first time: Michael Dorstewitz
Meet Glen Doherty, Hero, Killed In Benghazi. His Death Is Not A “Phony Scandal”, It Is A Crime: WZ
In story about Obama administration going after journalism, NYT names Bush but not Obama: Instapundit

Climate & Energy

99% “Environmentalists” watch fossil fuel protest on the Columbia from yachts: Victory Girls
New Climate Deniers Blame Snow On, Yup, Global Warming: RWN
Internal EPA report highlights disputes over fracking and well water: LAT


Will: If Weiner and Filner Were Republicans Media Would Tie Them to GOP War on Women: Noel Sheppard
Report: Limbaugh, Hannity might not renew with Cumulus; Eric Boehlert pretty excited about it: Twitchy
Alinsky smiling up at Obama over "phony scandals" line: Shoebat

Can Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson be Sued for “Inciting Hatred?”: Hideout
Al Jazeera Causes Scene at Pro-Christian Conference: RWN
Most Influential Blog Awards – Rules And Nominations: LoneCon


Islam’s violent present: Robert Fulford
Reports: Israel attacked another weapons convoy in Syria: Israel Hayom
The Obama's Wahhabist [PDF]: Shoebat


Dell’s Cloud-Friendly Project Ophelia Inches Closer To Release As Testers Receive Early Units: TechCrunch
First Take: Will ad giant take on tech titans?: USA Today
Working conditions at Apple manufacturing partner Pegatron come under fire: 9to5Mac


Barack Can’t Do it Alone: It Takes a Whole Village of Morons: MOTUS
Medal of Honor winner Bud Day, McCain's cellmate, dies: USA Today
Microbrew Journalism: Fred on Everything

Image: Medal of Honor winner Bud Day, McCain's cellmate, dies
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Please support the Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "Peruvia - Hidden high in sparking snow of the Bavarian Alps, this vibrant and diverse country is famed for making goose sausage, torch-skiing at night, and baffling simpletons on MSNBC.

Peruvia, you should know, is not the sort of country you want to visit; their national flag is just a cellphone picture of five drunken Peruvian thugs beating the sh** out of a lost and terrified Belgian motorist. Their national motto is "Learn to Read a Map, Pierre."

The mountain Peruvia sits atop is now called "The Peaceful Alp," because they raided the mountain that was originally called "The Peaceful Alp," murdered them all, and stole their sign." --Ace o' Spades

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