Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 7, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Cruz: Only the Grassroots Can Secure Victory in Obamacare Funding Fight

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Cruz: Only Grassroots Can Help De-Fund Obamacare: Breitbart
The Obama Presidency disintegrates: Dr. John
Coburn, Boehner and the Obamacare surrender monkeys: Erick Erickson

Barack Obama has crossed the constitutional Rubicon: Bryan Preston
Ponnuru and the the capitulation experts can pound sand: DEFUND!: Kuznicki
Defunding Obamacare: questions, answers, and excuses: Russ Vought

How embarrassing: Priebus tells Latinos, “The GOP has changed.”: Kuznkick
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Kentucky’s Ted Cruz? : Katrina Trinko


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Obamacare Insurance Exchanges Headed for Failure: Jeff Carter
Howard Dean: “Palin was right about ‘death panels’”: Sister Toldjah
Broke, Liberal City Spending Half Billion on Hockey Arena: James Daniels

Scandal Central

Levin: Rove is Lying, Obamacare CAN be de-funded: Scoop
Jack Lew: I Haven’t Investigated the ‘Phony’ IRS Scandal Because I Haven’t Investigated It: Bryan Preston
Obama Administration Still Stonewalling on Delphi Pension Scandal: Mark Modica, NLPC

Climate & Energy

Natural Gas Is A Gangplank To Boiling The Earth Or Something: RWN
Saudi Prince: US Shale Threatening Our Economy: Walter Russell Mead
Best Thermageddon Scare Headline Ever: Oceans To Boil Dry: Soylent Refuge (NSFW)

Global Warming: It’s Happening Again: RWN
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New Climate Deniers Blame Snow On, Yup, Global Warming: RWN


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Mountains, Mole Hills, Rush, and Hannity: Erick Erickson
Of course: MSM ignores ObamaCare call center story: Dan Calabrese
Noonan: Obama is at the “point where the American people stop listening”: Erika Johnsen

PolitiFact Is Fiction: Palin’s Prediction Of ‘Death Panels’ Was Accurate: Brian Carey, DownTrend
Why the government can't social-media the young into signing up for Obamacare: Moe Lane


According to Dallas CAIR Director "Muslims are Above the Law": Girls Just Wanna Have Guns
U.S./Mexico 'Secure Border Fence' at Penitas, Texas: American Power
Militants attack Pakistani prison, freeing 250: Fox


Spy agencies ban Lenovo PCs on security concerns: AFR
The Vitamin Myth: Why We Think We Need Supplements: Atlantic
F-35 Still Faces ‘Considerable’ Risks: Auditors: Brendan McGarry, DefTech


The 10 Best Quotes From Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within Event In Chicago: RWN
Obamacare Update: Lean, Green & Very, Very Mean!: MOTUS

Image: MOTUS
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Call your Congressman now - Demand Obamacare Be De-funded!

QOTD: "For several years, Republican establishment types and their allies in the press have mocked conservatives for wanting an all or nothing strategy. They’ve said we have to be willing to compromise. So Mike Lee proposes a plan to fund the government except for the discretionary funding for Obamacare. The reaction of GOP leaders? They only want to support a plan that fully repeals Obamacare.

Conservatives have done what the GOP establishment wants. And now they attack us for compromising instead of going all or nothing?

We inch ever closer to a third party as Republican Leaders commit suicide by lie. The leadership willing to fight the base to pass a terrible immigration reform bill won’t lift a finger to fight against Obamacare.

The best chance we, as conservative activists have, is to deliver the third party from within by picking off Republican establishment leaders in primaries. From Matt Bevin to Milton Wolf to Larry Rhoden to Rob Maness to so many others, it is time to disrupt the GOP in a last ditch effort to save it from itself." --Erick Erickson

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