Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 7, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Grasping for Dignity in the Era of the American Police State

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Grasping for Dignity in the Era of the American Police State: John Whitehead
Why Obama staged his Impromptu Presser on Trayvon in three images: DTG
Racial Profiling in the Heartland: Colin Flaherty

A message from the Senate Conservatives Fund: Protein Wisdom
Delaying Income Verification Under Obamacare Increases Fraud: PJM
Uh, oh: CA’s biggest insurer for small business leaves exchanges: Hot Air

Obama goes full race-baiter: Jim Treacher
ACLJ Says No to Obama Administration: RWN
A whole bunch of really depressing facts about Detroit: David Freddoso


Chicago Blues: Tenured Teachers Laid Off: Walter Russell Mead
CA Students Greet Napolitano Warmly...with Heated Protests: Leslie Eastman
PCC student sues, suspended for asking others to speak English: ADI

Scandal Central

Move over NSA, here comes the Obamacare Big Brother database: Rare
Calls for House Select Committee on Benghazi Growing: Shoebat
Dem Female: Party Told Me I Had to Support Filner or Face Blackball: Ace

The IRS scandal made it to the White House yesterday: John Hayward
A Camp Where Adults Dress Little Boys Up Like Little Girls, What Could Go Wrong?: Blur Brain
Nancy Pelosi’s (@nancypelosi) former colleague Bob Filner.: Moe Lane

Climate & Energy

Bummer: Satellite Records Still Not Following UN IPCC Prognostications: STACLU
Senator Barbara Boxer’s Own Experts Contradict Obama On Global Warming: M4GW
New EPA chief has an ambitious to-do list: Juliet Eilperin


Helen Thomas (HATER) 1930-2013: Why I'm Proud I "Took Her Down": The Lid
Charles Barkley Blames Media for Giving “Racists” a “Platform”: Don Irvine
Notorious, Hate-filled Anti-Semite Helen Thomas Dead at 92: Warner Todd Huston

In what alternate universe is the Trayvon Martin case a civil rights landmark?: LI
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson To Piers: Trayvon Was ‘Thug,’ Not ‘Innocent Little Kid': Mediaite
Getting out from under Obama’s bus before it’s too late: Judi McLeod

How Anthony Weiner Dropped 12 Points In the Polls In a Week: Philip Bump
Mark Levin: Obama has been FDR, Lincoln, Reagan and now Trayvon Martin: DC
Trayvon Martin's Mother At Rally: Zimmerman Started And Ended The Fight: Breitbart

WaPo reluctantly reports Terry McAuliffe’s bald-faced debate lie.: Moe Lane
Actor James Woods fires off unpleasant tweets to Obama: BizPacReview
The Zimmerman case is an excellent proof that the Left is deep-down racist: STACLU


Why is Al-Jazeera giving Money to Weiner?: Shoebat
Federal Judge Challenges Obama’s Assertion He Can Assassinate U.S. Citizens: WZ
The destruction of Barack Obama: Robert J. Burrowes, Pravda

NATO: Assad, Russia and Iran are prevailing in Syria: World Tribune
Did Kerry give Abbas written guarantee that talks will be based on '67 lines?: Israel Hayom
Obama Stirs Trayvon Pot to Distract from IRS, NSA, DOJ and Benghazi Scandals: Doug Giles


The Mind-Boggling Implications of a Bitcoin Economy: Robert Berry
China discovers primitive, 5,000-year-old writing: Didi Tang,
Another "Smart Car" Crash, Another Fatality: Commercial-News


Cartoon: President Trayvon and Uncle Sam: Sooper Mexican
If Obama were a Kardashian, Which Kardashian Would He Be?: MOTUS
Outrageous Rolling Stone Cover with Geraldo Topless Selfie: Sooper Mexican

Image: Lightning strikes a fence near the Fiesta hotel-casino in Henderson, Nevada as a thunderstorm makes its way through the Las Vegas Valley. Photo by Las Vegas Sun/Steve Marcus - Reuters
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Please support the Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "Despite the best efforts of disgraceful Democrats on the House Oversight Committee to turn yesterday’s hearings into a circus, the adults in the room were indeed able to bring the [IRS] scandal right up to the White House door.

I’m not kidding about the national disgrace of buffoons like Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), the ranking Democrat. They’re like small children running through the committee room, banging pots together and screaming nonsense to keep anyone from noticing that a Barack Obama political appointee just got linked into the criminal conspiracy at the IRS. And now they’re childishly trying to stir up a racial scandal over exasperated House Oversight chairman Darrell Issa comparing Cummings to a “little boy whose hand has been caught in a cookie jar.”" --John Hayward

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