Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 2, 2013

PRIORITIES: There's a murder every 3 hours in Chicago and Rahm Emanuel's first order of business is locking up law-abiding citizens

Gun-free Chicago experiences a murder every 3.6 hours.

Fortunately, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Chief Garry McCarthy are focused on the big picture:

  • A University of Illinois at Chicago staffer has been placed on administrative leave after she brought a legally purchased handgun to work because she didn't want to leave it at home while her house was being renovated, a UIC spokesman said.

    A judge set bail at $25,000 Wednesday for Kathleen Loviscek, 55, according to the Cook County sheriff's office. She is expected in court again on Feb. 19... Loviscek, of Westmont, was charged with unlawful use of a weapon, a felony, said UIC spokesman Bill Burton.

    “There was no apparent intent or threat,’’ Burton said. “It was never brandished nor was it loaded.’’

So a legally purchased weapon, cased and unloaded, is grounds for a felony charge now?

And this popped up in the comments section:

  •  016th District warrior locked up a guy after returning from gun range for having an unloaded carbine in his trunk. Legal, but not in Chicago. Way to go, soldiers of Rahm.

Unloaded and inaccessible to the driver - another UUW charge? Not to mention a seeming violation of at least one Constitutional Amendment.

The Constitution?

What's that?

Hat tip: BadBlue Guns.

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