Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 2, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: We need not justify the exercise of our rights to would-be despots and tyrants

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We need not justify the exercise of our rights to would-be tyrants: Sharpe
Ominous: Obama rids America's military of yet another top general: IBD
Obama: Smearing the American People, Aided by Cowardly GOP: Scoop

The Huns and Vandals Within: Camp o' the Saints
The Endgame for the Destruction of the United States: AT
To No One’s Surprise, Barrett Flips Off New York: TAG

Are the Rules Just Different For This President?: Elephant
Why I'm a Black Republican: RWN
Trey Gowdy Shreds White House Big Labor Lawyer’s Talking Points: Nice Deb


America's TBTF Bank Subsidy From Taxpayers: $83 Billion Per Year: ZH
Sequestration: DHS Sees Major Budget Cuts: Foundry
The California Tax That Terrifies Silicon Valley: CNN

Ammo Prices Have Doubled Since December: CNS
Obama Caught In Bald-Faced Lie On Sequester: Western
"We Have An Entitlement Problem" And One Day The Fed's Hamster Wheel Will Stop: ZH

Scandal Central

Treasury Identifies Billions in Waste: Roll Call
FBI Employees Sexting, Sending Porn, Bugging Co-Workers Offices: Bruce
Joe Biden's Shotgun Advice Could Land Jill Biden in Jail: USN&WR

Climate & Energy

I’ll take ‘global warming alarmists who cashed out to big oil’ for $500, Alex: Malkin
Why Are Gasoline Prices High and Rising?: CFP
Taxpayer-Supported Fisker Looking to China, Like A123: NLPC


Of Media and Monsters: Ayoob
Prominent Staffer at Ministry of Truth Stepping Down: Driscoll
Big Three Network Double Standard on Labeling Scandalous Politicians: NB

The Fourth Estate Takes Five: Driscoll
For the First Time in My Life, I Am Ashamed of My Country: EIB
Intrade Traffic Plummets: Marginal Revolution

Liberal “non-partisan” coalition urges “crippling”, videotracking of #NCGOP leaders: Toldjah
Man Shoots and Kills Two Home Invaders: National Media Silent: ConHideout
News Flash: Liberals Are Ignorant, Uninformed Hypocrites: Bruce


Senators to Obama: Withdraw Hagel’s Nomination: Foundry
State Dept. Still Downplaying Religious Element in Terrorist Threat Advisory: CNS
US CEO Says French Workers Have Three-Hour Work Day: Slashdot

The Hagel Nomination and the Dangerous Folly of “Global Zero”: Foundry
Why Hagel’s Position On Israel is So Disconcerting: AmSpec
Disturbing Trend in our Military: Viewing citizens as threats: GNP

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Dot Commie: China's Military Behind U.S. Cyberattacks: IBD
NBC website hacked and distributes malware - here's what happened: Sophos
PayPal readies launch of mobile payments system in Europe: CNet


Purchase the Liberal Rape Kit: iOTW
NBC To Finish 5th In Sweeps For First Time; Network Falls Behind Univision: iOTW
Obama's Monster: RWN

Image: Cruz, Rubio Call On Obama To Withdraw Hagel’s Nomination
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Make Five Calls for Freedom!

QOTD: "[What the Republican message should be:]

• Our current level of spending is unsustainable. Spending must go down. Period.

• This is a 2 percent cut.

• Sure, if we in the Republican party had complete control of the government, we would be implementing the cuts differently. But we don't. Congress can only appropriate funds; it doesn't run the departments and agencies that spend the money. That's the power and responsibility of the executive branch.

• If the Obama administration's response to a 2 percent cut is really to let all the criminals out of the jails and end food-safety inspections, then it is no longer disputable that he's a Stuttering Cluster-you-know-what of a Miserable Failure." --Jim Geraghty

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