Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 3, 2012

Top 10 Reasons Obamacare IS Constitutional...

I can assure you, despite all of the hullabaloo from the hoi polloi, that Obama is entirely, 100% Constitutional, no if's and's or but's:

• Because Congress can compel Americans to engage in commerce in order to then regulate their activities under the Commerce Clause.

• Because the fee that every American must pay -- by dint of their mere existence -- for failing to comply with "the Individual Mandate" is either a "tax" or a "penalty", depending on which day of the week it is.

• Because health care is a unique market, one in which every American must participate at some point in their lives. Unlike the markets of, say, clothing, shelter, food, transportation, ...

• Because Congress has the right -- the obligation -- to trump God and the First Amendment in order to ensure that all Americans get free contraceptives and abortifacients.

• Because the "Consent of the Governed" is outdated and antiquated. Congress can do anything it wants, even if 63% of all Americans are opposed to their actions.

• Because a 2,200-page bill that not one member of Congress read -- much less understands -- is inherently Constitutional, as the noted legal scholar Nancy Pelosi insists.

• Because what could be more American than nationalizing one-sixth of the entire economy?

• Because a few masterminds in Washington will be able to manage that one-sixth of the economy more effectively than the entire private sector.

• Because government-run health care has turned out to be cost-effective, innovative, and efficient in delivering health care, except in countries like England, Canada and Sweden.

• Because every founder of this country -- every single Framer of the Constitution from James Madison to George Mason -- would agree with Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid and Barack Obama. That is, all Americans have the right to free health care, which must be delivered by a 15-member panel of elite masterminds overseeing an authoritarian, centralized, massive federal bureaucracy.

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