Faced with the economic failures of a Democratic president, Rep. Paul Ryan is, like Ronald Reagan, "raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors." Ryan's Rx for America: a jobs-generating tax code....He would cut the top marginal tax rate from its current 35% to 25%. (A second Obama term could mean a big tax increase, with the top rate going back up to Bill Clinton's 39.6%, as President George W. Bush's tax cuts expire next year.) ... Instead of the six brackets under our current punitive tax code, Ryan gives us just two: 25% and 10%.
And America's corporate tax — at 35% the highest rate in the world, with the exception of Sub-Saharan Africa's one-party socialist state of Cameroon — is cut to 25%, and it largely eliminates the taxation of U.S. companies' overseas profits.
Individuals and businesses would be taxed $2 trillion less over 10 years under Ryan's plan than under President Obama's budget, while the federal government would spend more than $5 trillion less.
Ryan also scraps something politicians have been promising to get rid of for years, but haven't: the infamous Alternative Minimum Tax. The AMT was passed over 40 years ago to punish a tiny handful of tax-sheltering "super rich," but — surprise, surprise — soon started slamming the middle-class.
...Ryan's tax reform would help bring America back to what it could, and should, be. It may just be the best weapon in the GOP arsenal.
Where is the Democrats' budget?
For more than 1,000 days -- a record period of time -- the Party of Economic Suicide has failed to produce one.
Where is Obama's budget?
He doesn't have one. He even rejected all of the recommendations from his own "Deficit Commission".
Instead, Obama's "solution" is to demonize various productive members of society, including energy companies, doctors, health insurers, small business owners (the so-called "rich"), and the like.
So you won't see any charts or graphs produced by Democrats. Because they know that we are on the road to fiscal collapse or, as the modern Marxist Democrat Party likes to call it, "fundamental transformation".
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