• President Obama and the Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, will appear at
the AFL-CIO's Labor Day rally:
It's been announced that President Obama will be attending the AFL-CIO's Labor Day rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin next month. Along for the ride will be Sec. of Labor Hilda Solis... Naturally Obama is still sounding his horn for the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) as well as pushing his healthcare ideas.
Now for a question: How seemly is it for a U.S. Secretary of Labor to attend a political rally for Big Labor? After all, the Sec. of Labor is ostensibly supposed to be the middle man between labor and business, the arbiter that decides the big fights between the two antagonists. If the Sec. of Labor is seen glad handing Big Labor, what message does that send the business community?
Of course, it sends the message that government is a friend to Big Labor and [an] enemy to [the] business community. But that message isn't any different than the message that Obama has been sending since the day he became president.
• Business groups fighting for their lives:
Business groups plan to go on offense against vulnerable Senate Democrats in their backyards to mark Monday's Labor Day holiday... Local groups will target Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Rep. Paul Hodes, the Democrat running for Senate in New Hampshire, and Kentucky Senate Democratic candidate Jack Conway in their states over their records on labor-related issues.
Local chapters of groups like the National Federation of Independent Business, state Associated Builders and Contractors and other commerce and retail groups will hold events on Monday targeting the incumbents and candidates, particularly on their stance on the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA, or "card-check").
• Top Economist Warns Congress: Passing Pair of Union-Backed Bills Would Create a ‘Ponzi Scheme as Bad as Bernie Madoff’:
An economist at the nonpartisan Hudson Institute says that if House and Senate Democrats pass the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) -- known as the “card check bill” -- in this Congress, it would create a “ponzi scheme” environment.Diana Furchtgott-Roth, a former chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor, told CNSNews.com on Tuesday that implementing card check would allow unions to swell their ranks with new members who would have to be signed up and pay money into failing union pension plans...
“It shouldn’t be allowed,” she said. “It’s a ponzi scheme as bad as Bernie Madoff.”
Sounds like Social Security, only tinier.
Small business is being squashed under the oppressive heels of the Democrats. It's gotten so bad that even members of the Federal Reserve board are arguing about the cause of the recession.
...Federal Reserve officials wrestled with a slew of questions about the disappointing recovery before deciding at a fractious Aug. 10 meeting to prevent their securities portfolio from shrinking...
High unemployment was one issue. Several Fed officials argued that business was frozen by uncertainty about taxes, regulations and health- care costs. Others said the job market was paralyzed by structural changes, "such as mismatches between unemployed workers' skills and the needs of employers with job openings." Several agreed that the economy lacked sufficient demand from consumer spending and business investment to get firms to hire.
Gee, ya think?
It's a summer of recovery, alright. For unions.
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