Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 9, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: A Grieving American Writes to Steven Colbert

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A Grieving American Writes to Steven Colbert: Malkin
7 candidates poised to demoralize the Left in November: Hawkins
Obama team still looking for saps to fill seats at WI rally: WZ

Dems plan 20 destructive bills in lame-duck session: RWN
Chris Coons is a liar who obviously reads my blog: Olliander
Congress to Investigate Save-a-Life-Foundation (SALF)?: Philosophe

An Argument We Can't Afford to Lose: Wizbang
Biden Stumbles Into the Truth Again: Riehl
Our Future?: Moonbattery


Trumka Urges Government Takeover of Businesses: Malkin
Does FDIC Maintain List of Banks With 'Prominent Connections'?: PJM
Why does Harry Reid hate Nevada's sick children?: GWP

FBI raids home of SEIU exec in terror sweep: GWP
Great: Frank will hold Fannie Hearings: JWF
Obama To Use BP Fines To ‘Restore Gulf’: S&L

Climate & Energy

Big Green: Environmentalists don't care about clean air and water: WashExam
Energy Independence: Are You Serious?: AT
Global Power Elite Backing Away from Global Warming: AT


President 40/60: Hanson
Bill Maher Thinks Americans Are Really, Really Stupid: RWN
Rush Limbaugh: Michelle Obama Got Her “No-Show” Job in a Chicago Hospital Because of Barack: GWP

Alan Grayson and the most despicable political ad this year: Betsy's Page
It Begins… Dem Reps Now Running Pro-Bush Ads: GWP
Disney Waves The White Flag to CAIR, Will Allow Woman to Wear Hijab…: WZ


UN member states pick IAEA chief from … wait for it …. Pakistan: PJM
Venezuela’s Election Lunacy: Opposition Wins 52% of Vote, Gets 37% of Seats: PJM
Video: Taliban stone woman to death: Maktoob

FBI Escorts Known Hamas Operative Through Top-Secret National Counterterrorism Center: WZ
Vaclav Klaus, Countermoonbat: RWN
Mexico building fence to keep out...illegal aliens: AT

Mexican Mayor And Aide Stoned To Death: S&L
'Firing Back' and 'Marine Match': Jawa
Saudi Arabia: Two school kids get 6 months in jail, 120 lashes for stealing exams: Maktoob


BlackBerry maker RIM introduces the PlayBook, its iPad competitor: CNet
Microsoft to issue emergency fix for .Net hole: CNet
Microsoft drops its blogging platform, turns to WordPress: Ars Technica


Nancy Pelosi and a Pile of S***: Parkway Rest Stop
Segway Tycoon Dies After Driving His Segway Off a Cliff: Moonbattery
Observations from the Supermarket: Parkway Rest Stop

Images: Moonbattery.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Defeat Harry Reid's Thugs--Support Sharron Angle

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