Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 3, 2010

A Three-Pronged War Against Statism

Conservative Republicans must have an agenda beyond repeal. I hope I'm not out of line here, but I believe the time for civility is over. It is time for outright political warfare. Democrats have crossed the line.

The targets, in order of highest priority to lowest, are as follows.

1. War against the Democrat Party itself: in its every incarnation, the Democrat Party has become the tool of Marxists, Gore-ian ecostatists, Soros one-worlders, outright Communists, and a cadre of useful idiots, the Bush-haters.

In Congress, Republicans must block everything. They must use every procedural maneuver possible, filibuster everything, add amendments, motion to recommit, stall endlessly, block any and all activity in Congress. Call a strike. Democrats deserve nothing less for their desecration of our Constitution and our Declaration.

In states and municipalities, Republicans must target public sector unions, which donated hundreds of millions to Democrats in 2008. The unions are in the process of killing themselves, what with their outsized and unsustainable pensions and benefits. Let's just speed up the process. Every public sector union must be targeted and smashed using the playbook of Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman.

2. War Against the Legacy Media: Barack Obama owes his election, in large part, to a compliant and useless state-run media complex. A week-long series detailing Barack Obama's bizarre background in The New York Times would have ended his campaign.

Instead, most Americans never became aware of Obama's mentor, Communist Frank Marshall Davis. Or of his pseudonym at an Indonesian school: Barry Soetero. Of of his work with -- and lies about -- the criminal front group ACORN. Of his membership in the Democrat Socialists of America. Of his role in the mortgage meltdown as a litigator for ACORN against Citibank. Of his odd relationships with disgraced slumlord Tony Rezko, terrorist Bill Ayers, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, Governor Rod Blagojevich and Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. Of his work with the Arab-American Action Network's Ed Said, and Hamas-supporter-slash-close personal friend Jeremiah Wright.

Had the media been doing its job and outlined Obama's background, we would not be in the position of watching the country's balance sheet implode.

Thus my recommendation is to simply boycott the Old Gray Lady. If you subscribe to the print edition, cancel it. I know the Sunday Times is iconic. I don't care. Cancel it. And if you have a blog, don't link to the Times. Find the equivalent news article elsewhere. If you're a reader of the electronic edition, kill the RSS feed and stop visiting.

The Times is the bellwether of state-run media. It's close to collapse anyhow. Let's hasten the joyous day when its entire staff consists of Paul Krugman, Maureen Dowd and Pinchy.

3. Against Unprincipled Republicans - The "Gang of 14" included Lindsey "Goober" Graham and John McCain; they allowed Democrats to use yet another of their unprecedented tactics: filibustering judicial nominees, which -- true to their incessant use of identity politics -- they used to block Hispanics from high court positions. Unconstitutionally, I might add.

We must primary these unprincipled moderates who stand for nothing. We must take a stand and support conservative Republicans like Marco Rubio, J.D. Hayworth and Chuck DeVore, all of whom believe in the Constitution and can speak eloquently about their beliefs in the founding principles.

Democrats have crossed a line by spitting on, then burning, the Constitution. If the founders had wanted a giant, endlessly growing, centralized federal government to control the size of your toilets, regulate the air you breathe, or force you to buy health insurance, they would have empowered the government to do so.

They didn't. And everyone knows it. The Democrat Party must be smashed politically and left as a footnote to history, just behind the Whigs in importance.

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