Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 8, 2007

NPR's Itchy and Scratchy tag-team the GOP

Think it's tough for a mainstream media broadcast outlet to continuously bash the GOP? Of course not, that's been table stakes for the MSM since Al Gore was demoted from VP to head global-warming alarmist in 2000.

But how about a broadcast outlet that can seamlessly slam Republicans during a sci-fi book review and a sports segment, respectively? Tall order, eh? Well, not for NPR, my friends.

Itchy and Scratchy, or as I like to call them, James Rollins and Frank Deford, pulled off this magnificent trick in a matter of hours. Deford neatly tied his brand of Bush Derangement Syndrome into his weekly sports segment.

Our two greatest American leaders, Washington and Lincoln, were exceptionally tall, and right up until the end of the American century — the tall century — it was unusual for the shorter presidential candidate ever to win. Indeed, given what a mess of things the shorter choice, George W. Bush, has made of his presidency in the fat century, Hillary Clinton's main obstacle may not be that she's a woman, but that she's shorter than most men.

Not enough of a non-sequiter for you? In a review of the book Invasion of the Body Snatchers, author James Rollins out-bloviated Deford:

Finney has the audacity to suggest that it takes only one person to stand up against an overwhelming tide, whether it's against the invasion of Pod People, the witch-hunts of Joe McCarthy — or the slow dismantling of our civil liberties today... It takes only one person. It was an important message then, and it's just as important now.

Adding this irrelevant political spin into completely unrelated op-eds takes talent -- gen-u-ine, barking moonbat-style talent!

When we also consider NPR hacks Rehm, Schorr, and Pinkwater -- who have never evinced a conservative sentiment in their many decades of service on the public dole -- and you get a real argument for the Fairness Doctrine. After all, we taxpayers foot the bill for NPR. It's only fair both sides of the aisle are represented.

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