Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 9, 2004

Navy Contradicts Kerry on Release of Military Records

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be TrustedHmmm... John Kerry caught in another lie^H^H^Hmisstatement? Who'da thunk it? When he was asked about the The Washington Post's complaint that his records were not released on the Imus program, Mr. Kerry suggested that his campaign was "trying" to get them, but the military was standing in the way. Uhmmm, no, that's not the case, according to the Navy:

The U.S. Navy released documents Wednesday contradicting claims by Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry that all of his available military records have been released.

The Navy, responding to a Freedom of Information Act request from the legal watchdog group Judicial Watch, also referred interested parties to Kerry's campaign web site for government military documents.

Navy Personnel Command FOIA Officer Dave German wrote in an e-mail to Judicial Watch that the Navy "withheld thirty-one pages of documents from the responsive military personnel service records as we were not provided a release authorization."

A "release authorization" would have to come from Kerry filling out and signing a Standard Form 180, something he has yet to do...

Navy Contradicts Kerry on Release of Military Records

Illegal Compared To What?

This morning I awoke to see a story on Fox News that Kofi Annan had declared the U.S. action in Iraq an "illegal" war. So what would he call the U.N. Oil for Food program? Or the U.N. inaction in the Sudan? I wonder how he would describe his buddy, Saddam's, human rights record before he ended up in a spider hole? I suspect he is doing what he can to brace himself and the U.N. for the coming revelations about the corrupt U.N. program in Iraq. (I was unable to find a link to the story at the Fox News website or any other news site before needing to leave for work. I will update with one later.)...

UN's Oil-for-Food Crooks badmouth Bush

Kerry's Master Plan in Iraq

The inimitable OpinionJournal was listening carefully when Don Imus interviewed Kerry. Imus asked Kerry what his plan is for dealing with Iraq. Kerry's reply:

Kerry: . . . The fact is that the president is the president. I mean, what you ought to be doing and what everybody in America ought to be doing today is not asking me; they ought to be asking the president, What is your plan?

What's your plan, Mr. President, to stop these kids from being killed? What's your plan, Mr. President, to get the other countries in there? What's your plan to have 90 percent of the casualties and 90 percent of the cost being carried by America?

I mean, he is the president today, and we have given him advice from day one; from day one, from the floor of the Senate when we debated it where I said don't--you know, you've got to have other countries with you, don't make an end runaround the U.N., the difficulty is not winning the military, it's winning the peace; and he ignored it.

And others--the bipartisan, Dick Lugar, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, and Joe Biden, and the Foreign Relations Committee gave him advice that he chose to ignore. And since then, many times we've stood up and said, "Mr. President, this is what you have to do." He's chosen not to do those things.

Imus: We're asking you because you want to be president.

John Kerry. A man with answers. A decisive man. Comforting, eh?

President Bush's Real National Guard Record

Polipundit posted an extremely newsworthy analysis of President Bush's ANG service records. Poster "Oak Leaf" "is an active reservist with over twenty years of service that includes both the National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve [and] has extensive experience in personnel programs management". His conclusion:

...1LT Bush served his country without pay. That is why there is no pay record.

1LT Bush can be "faulted" for one thing and that is keeping his retirement points correct. I need to point out that, "It is the soldier's responsibility to insure that his or her retirement points are correct"...

I have three comments on Oak Leaf's post. First, I want to thank him for taking the time to review these documents and to write such a detailed, yet clear and easy to follow analysis. Second, I think one reason the media has done such a pathetic job covering these matters is because they do not have enough people within their ranks with any military experience. Third, this point that Oak Leaf makes illustrates one more stark contrast between President Bush and Senator Kerry. Bush evidently worked without pay, and probably, due to inadequate follow-up on the paperwork, without any recognition for that time. John Kerry went to ridiculous lengths to document every bruise and scratch he got in Vietnam, and to make sure every activity he was engaged in was not only written up for awards, but was even recreated and memorialized on film. Isn't that just everything voters need to know about the character of these two men in a nutshell?

President Bush's Real National Guard Record

Straight out of Palestine

The educational system at work in the Palestinian territories.

Palestinian Child Abuse

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