Dead Soldiers
IMAGINE if, in the presidential election of 1944, the candidate opposing FDR had insisted that we were losing the Second World War and that, if elected, he would begin to withdraw American troops from Europe and the Pacific. We would have called it treason. And we would have been right. In WWII, broadcasts from Tokyo Rose in Japan and from Axis Sally in Germany warned our troops that their lives were being squandered in vain, that they were dying for big business and "the Jew" Roosevelt. Today, we have a presidential candidate, the conscienceless Sen. John Kerry, doing the work of the enemy propagandists of yesteryear. Is there nothing Kerry won't say to win the election? Is there no position he won't change? Doesn't he care anything for the sacrifices of our troops in Iraq? ... Imagine the encouragement the terrorists, insurgents and global extremists draw from Kerry's declarations of defeat, from his insistence that our efforts in Iraq and in the War on Terror have failed... |
Dead Soldiers
"We Have Received a Wake-up Call From Hell"
...For the Bin Ladens of the world Israel is merely a sideshow. America is the target. But reestablishing a resurgent Islam requires not just rolling back the West; it requires destroying its main engine, the United States. And if the U.S. cannot be destroyed just now, it can be first humiliated -- as in the Teheran hostage crisis two decades ago -- and then ferociously attacked again and again, until it is brought to its knees. But the ultimate goal remains the same: Destroy America and win eternity. Some of you may find it hard to believe that Islamic militants truly cling to the mad fantasy of destroying America. Make no mistake about it. They do. And unless they are stopped now their attacks will continue, and become even more lethal in the future. ...[I]n 1996, I wrote a book about fighting terrorism, I warned about the militant Islamic groups operating in the West with the support of foreign powers -- serving as a new breed of domestic-international terrorists, basing themselves in America to wage Jihad against America. Such groups, I wrote then, nullify in large measure the need to have air power or intercontinental missiles as delivery systems for an Islamic nuclear payload. They will be the delivery system. In the worst of such scenarios, I wrote, the consequences could be not a car bomb but a nuclear bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center. Well, they did not use a nuclear bomb. They used two 150 ton fully fueled jetliners to wipe out the Twin Towers. But does anyone doubt that given the chance, they will throw atom bombs at America and its allies? And perhaps long before that, chemical and biological weapons? This is the greatest danger facing our common future. Some states of the terror network already possess chemical and biological capabilities, and some are feverishly developing nuclear weapons. Can one rule out the possibility that they will be tempted to use such weapons, openly or through terror proxies, or that their weapons might fall into the hands of the terrorist groups they harbor? We have received a wake up call from hell. Now the question is simple: Do we rally to defeat this evil, while there is still time, or do we press a collective snooze button and go back to business as usual? The time for action is now. Today the terrorists have the will to destroy us, but they do not have the power. There is no doubt that we have the power to crush them. Now we must also show that we have the will to do just that. Once any part of the terror network acquires nuclear weapons, this equation will fundamentally change, and with it the course of human affairs. This is the historical imperative that now confronts all of us... |
The fate of you, your children and your children's children hinge on this election. A waffler, equivocator, "anybody-but-Bush" candidate who believes only in concessions, appeasement, and political expediency spells nothing less than disaster in this, the nuclear age of terrorism.
"We Have Received a Wake-up Call From Hell"
Scaring up Dem votes with a phony Draft
Kerry Kills Ad Buy in Four States
Bowing to political realities, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (search) has canceled plans to begin broadcasting television commercials in Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana and the perennial battleground of Missouri. The decision to shrink his political playing field reduces Kerry's strategic options -- at least for now -- in the homestretch of the campaign. George W. Bush (search) won all four states in 2000, and Kerry can't win the White House without taking one or two of them away from the Republican incumbent. The ads were scheduled to begin airing Oct. 5 as part of a $5 million investment through Nov. 2, but campaign advisers concluded Kerry isn't doing well enough in the states to justify the cost... |
Kerry Kills Ad Buy in Four States
Israel: Winning by fighting back
Israel: Winning by fighting back
Aiding the Enemy Again
Baltimore Sun: Aiding the enemy, again
Rathergate: A Call to Action
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you regarding the GW Bush National Guard story broadcast by CBS on 60 Minutes last week. I concur with the experts that I have seen interviewed by the media and I believe the memos presented were fraudulent. I believe that somewhere in this great nation there is someone who is guilty of perpetrating a crime, a crime against the American people. They are guilty of the crime of election fraud, guilty of attempting to influence the upcoming presidential election through deceit and misrepresentation. Such an attempt is abhorrent and must not be tolerated... |
A Call To Action
The speech CBS's president Les Moonves needs to give
On Tuesday, CBS president Les Moonves told the Los Angeles Times that it was "clear that something went seriously wrong with the process" that produced DanScam. That's like The Zepplin Company announcing that the Hindenburg had a little trouble landing in New Jersey. Moonves is the boss of an organization under siege, one whose brand is being gutted. He might find the Harvard Business School case study of Johnson & Johnson's reaction to the Tylenol poisonings of October 1982 useful, but he would find Khrushchev's "secret speech" even more compelling. Moonves needs to gather everyone employed by CBS News in one place or via video link, and deliver a speech. I suggest this... |
The speech CBS's president Les Moonves needs to give
Praying for Beheadings
Praying for Beheadings
Heard around the web
Links o' the Day
Thomas Sowell: Kerry's Blank Resume
Arab News: Al-Qaeda Controls Young Operatives by Torture Threats
The Belgravia Dispatch: Bush's UNGA Speech
Kerry in France: John Kerry's Crimes
LGF: Canadian Islamic Congress Calls for Alcohol Ban
Rathergate cartoons
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