AP: Kerry Fund-Raisers Met With S. Korean Intelligence Agent
...[A] South Korean man who met with John Kerry's fund-raisers to discuss creating a new political group for Korean-Americans was an intelligence agent for his country, raising concerns among some U.S. officials that either he or his government may have tried to influence this fall's election... |
AP: Kerry Fund-Raisers Met With S. Korean Intelligence Agent
Rather: the Anchor as Madman
...The CBS cocoons engender a kind of madness. Rather is paid an outsized salary-he makes $7 million per year-that is in no way commensurate with the number of viewers he delivers. Where most prime-time shows have a few weeks to prove their viability, newscasts often are given years and decades. The network's former glory allows Rather to shroud himself in the aura of Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow. "I'm confident we worked longer, dug deeper, and worked harder than almost anybody in American journalism does," Rather told the Washington Post Sunday, when in fact CBS spent less time verifying the Guard documents than most bloggers... |
Dan Rather - The anchor as madman
Terrorism: The Price of Victory
...[T]he Israeli army destroyed most of what remained of Hamas's organization in the West Bank and a substantial part of its infrastructure in Gaza. Just last week, Israeli gunships rocketed a Hamas training camp in Gaza, killing 15 operatives. Hamas leaders, who once routinely led rallies and gave interviews to the media, don't dare show their faces in public anymore. Even their names are kept secret. Hardly a night passes without the arrest of a wanted terrorist. Hamas's ranks have become so depleted that the organization is now recruiting teenagers: At the Gaza border, Israeli forces recently broke up a Hamas cell made up of 16-year-olds. Meanwhile, life inside Israel has returned to near normalcy... |
The price of victory
Death Blow for the Kerry Campaign
The problem, according to Fineman, is that Kerry leaves a terrible impression in public appearances. The bollixed "Lambert Field" reference in Lambeau-crazy Wisconsin, getting the Red Sox standings wrong, screwing up Letterman's Top Ten list... all were mentioned as evidence Kerry is simply an out-of-touch elitist.
Despite what Imus and the polls say, keep the foot on the accelerator until election day. This election is simply too important for our children and the entire civilized world to slack off in the last handful of days. Keep the pressure on, my brothers and sisters!
I think that many people who have seen the sixth ad being put out by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth will agree with me when say that the ad, entitled “Friends” had the potential to do as much damage to the Kerry campaign as the entire Rathergate/Danron fiasco... The beauty of this ad is that it is simple, verifiably true, and utterly devastating. We know that John Kerry met with the Vietnamese Communists because he admitted it to us. We know that, as American boys fought and died in the muck of Vietnam, John Kerry sat with their perfumed diplomats in Europe and conspired to hand victory in the war to the Communists. We know this to be true. We know it because John Kerry told it to us. ...Does any sane person really believe that whether or not George W. Bush showed up for a week’s worth of drills in Alabama thirty-three years ago is somehow more consequential than the admitted fact that Senator Kerry, as a nearly thirty year-old politician, travelled to a foreign nation to meet with the enemies of this country while the nation was at war and then returned in order to advocate that the United States accept peace on the terms of the communist Vietnamese (or, in other words, surrender)? ...[The Kerry campaign] can ignore the accusations altogether, but I don’t think they’ll try that one again, seeing as it worked so well with the first Swift Vet assault. ...The most obvious point that must be taken from his claims as to Vietnamese intentions at the time is that either Kerry is a liar or he is an extremely gullible man (or perhaps both). ...Even worse, this wasn’t the only time that Senator Kerry allowed himself to be deceived by foreign enemies of the United States, nor was it the only time that Kerry was used to deliver the demands of an enemy of the United States to the American government and people. In... 1985, the newly-elected Senator Kerry took a trip to Nicaragua, where he met with the communist dictator of that country. When he returned to the United States from that trip, the Senator had brought something with him: the Sandinistas’ offer for peace with the United States. Once more John Forbes Kerry voluntarily conveyed the demands of a hostile foreign power to his own government. Yet again John Kerry called upon the President of the United States to accept, in whole, the terms offered by an enemy of the Republic. Once the American people know this history, once they’ve taken it all in, they’ll be left with the same frightful question that I’ve carried with me for nine months: what happens if the person receiving that offer is no longer Lieutenant Kerry or Senator Kerry, but President Kerry? |
Adam Yoshida: Ad #7: A death blow for the Kerry Campaign
Michael Moore Hates America - The Movie
...But easily the most powerful sequence is a visit with Peter Damon, a soldier who lost both arms in the Iraq war. In a transparent attempt to elicit pity, Moore in Fahrenheit 9/11 included footage (taken from an NBC News report about a new painkiller) of Damon in the hospital while he was recuperating from his grievous wounds. In MMHA we see a recovered Damon at home with his family, enjoying life, proud of his service. Damon has no patience for those who feel sorry for him. The only anger he feels is at Moore for exploiting him. Asked by Wilson what he would like to say to Moore, Damon addresses the camera: "I don't want any part of your propaganda. I don't agree with what you're doing." At the movie's recent premiere at the American Film Renaissance in Dallas, Wilson said, the audience grew really quiet during this scene: "You could hear a pin drop." But that changed when Wilson asks Damon if Moore had the right to make his movie. Despite his obvious distaste for Moore's film, Damon says without hesitation, "That's the reason we go off to fight - to defend his right to make a movie." At that, Wilson said, the audience erupted into the loudest cheers of the evening... |
Michael Moore Hates America - The Movie
Kerry Campaign Touted Forged Doc Info... in April!
The Kerry campaign made an explicit reference to information in at least one of four forged military documents broadcast 14 days ago by CBS's "60 Minutes" - in a detailed campaign press release attacking President Bush's National Guard service dated months before the Sept. 8 "60 Minutes" broadcast... |
Kerry Campaign Touted Forged Doc Info in April
CBS: another Bush conspiracy
...CBS News has obtained exclusive documents asserting that George W. Bush was in Dallas on Friday 22 November 1963, the day of the Kennedy assassination. * Lt. Bush's e-mail records for that week in 1963 show several contacts with someone known as desperatelybehindthepolls@DNC.com. * T-Mobile cell phone records also show that Lt. Bush made several cell phone calls from behind the Grassy Knoll five minutes before President Kennedy's motorcade was due to pass by... |
CBS: another Bush conspiracy
Links o' the day
Jonah Goldberg: Ten criticisms I'm willing to concede are valid about Iraq
Wienerlog: Sticking it to CBS and Kerry - a debate strategy
Nazi or Blogger: a fun multiple choice game
Heinz-Kerry watch: "You have to treat stepchildren like pets."
A knock-down, drag-out fight
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