Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 4, 2013

"We mapped the human brain way before Obama's BRAIN Initiative"

The peerless People's Cube mapped the progressive's brain long before President Obama announced his ill-fated, $100 million "BRAIN Initiative" (Sequester? What Sequester?).

In related news, Debbie Wasserman-Schlitz (who was apparently asked to lay low after the DNC got her Q-scores) is whining that "a spare $250 million is a little tough these days."

This is, of course, one of the central nincompoops responsible for $3.2 trillion in "Stimulus" spending (and counting, since the original $800 trillion Stimulus is now baked into the baseline budget).

Washerman-Schlutt has it tough: President Obama, in comparison, is still handing out billions of our money in "green energy" scams, deficits and Sequester notwithstanding.

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