These photos from yesterday’s marathon were forwarded to me from a trusted source and came from a Japanese Flickr account. This photo here shows the Boston crowd before the bombing...

Interesting. Notice the female in white who appears to accompany the male, even as he seems to depart.
In the final photo, she almost seems in position to access the backpack.
Speculation, to be sure, but certainly intriguing.
Update: Some zooms. I've been staring at this first photo for a bit. Note both hands on the backpack straps, as if the weight is substantial and he's trying to relieve the pressure. Furthermore, notice that he's not paying the least bit of attention to the race (ostensibly the reason he's there). He's staring straight down, head jutting forward as if to offset the weight.
In the second photo, he no longer appears burdened with the backpack. He's standing straight up and his hands are not in view. Did his companion help him shed the backpack?

Update II: Two more spotted at Deadspin:

Is this the same man spotted passing by the site of the second explosion?

Update III: Yet another black backpack spotted at the scene, seen at Dan Riehl's site (via BadBlue News).

Update IV: What happens when you give 4chan images of the Boston Marathon?

Update V: Dan Riehl: Possible Marathon Bombing suspect:
Orr said authorities have video of a man in a black jacket on a cell phone, wearing a gray hoodie and a white baseball cap backwards placing a black bag at the second bomb site outside of the Forum restaurant on Boylston Street and then leaving the area before that explosion.

And Jim Hoft adds this to the mix:

Two more 4chan.

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