
Secret Immigration bill to be released day before only hearing: DC
Rubio on Fox News Sunday: my immigration proposal isn't Amnesty: Scoop
More Gun Control Trickery: That Mr. G. Guy
19 Things That Should Make Democrats Feel Old: Glob
Invasion: AZ group documents border battle with revealing audio, images: Fox
NY’s Cuomo and DHS lie, collude on gun confiscation gambit?: ProWis
The RNC Power Grab: Will the GOP Ever Learn?: Ribali
Obama’s plan hatched at Columbia University says classmate: Events
The Radical Transformation of America’s Classrooms: CFPThe Unbridled Fury of the Obama Recovery: Innocent Bystanders
Draghi Behind Friday's Gold Selloff: Kitco
Exxon Mobil Is Behind Common Core: Sentinel
"Wise Men" Propose Theft to Bail Out Banks: Mish
100 Years Old And Still Killing Us: the Income Tax: Collapse
Scandal Central
Was Benghazi a Honey Pot Trap?: LedeenPerverts in Politics: JPA
Congress Guts Requirement For Online Financial Disclosure By Senior Officials: WZ
Climate & Energy
Sorry Global Warmists!! Liberal Thinktank’s Stats Show Decline in Natural Disasters for 2012: SooperHouse GOP proposal would overturn EPA regulations deemed harmful to the economy: Chron
Exxon propagandizes for Common Core during Masters: Twitchy
MSNBC: The Network America Turns to for Irresponsible Speculation About News: RSM‘SNL’ derides the Senate’s pointless, background check bill in gun control skit: RedAlert
The Media is Biased. Do Something About It.: FW
Anybody Else Starting to Suspect @AmandaMarcotte Eats Dead Babies?: RSM
News flash: Texas district attorneys NOT murdered by Aryan Brotherhood.: Moe Lane
80 Year Old With Gun Manages To Fight Off 5 Armed Robbers: WZ
MSNBC Marxist Harris-Perry: “We Need To Impinge On Individual Freedoms” For “The Common Good”…: WZ
Following Obama’s Lead, Collectivists Are Coming Out of the Closet: Nice Deb
It’s Time to Push for Impeachment Proceedings Against Eric Holder: Political Outcast
Mexico Registers 4,249 Drug-Related Killings in 4 Months: BorderlandJohn Bolton: Iran breaking out champagne while watching US deal with N. Korea nuclear threat: Scoop
Teenage Girls on Trial in Canada for Running Prostitution Ring: RSM
A word on elected Latin American dictators: Fausta
Chavez Successor Maduro Narrowly Elected to Lead Venezuela: Blaze
Venezuela: Maduro wins: Fausta
Honoring Margaret Thatcher – The Ultimate Progressive Hunter: NoisyRm
New rhetoric, same old policy: Phillips
Despite sequester, State Department ups support for the UN: Fox
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Report: Microsoft may also make smart watches: IT WorldRackspace to Offer Openstack Deployments for Service Providers: CIO
Investment Firm Expects AWS Will Hit $20 Billion In Revenues By 2020: Crunch
The Fake Kim Jong-Un Snickers Ad Is Brilliant: BuzzFeedPolarizing ‘R Us: MOTUS
Labor secretary nominee accused of 'quid pro quo' deal: Fox
Image: Fausta's Blog
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: NRA Stand and Fight
QOTD: "Former Ecuadorian president Osvaldo Hurtado writes in his book, Dictaduras Del Siglo XXI El Caso Ecuatoriano ("21st Century Dictatorships: The Case of Ecuador"), on how the self-named “leaders of the 21st century socialist revolutions” take over and destroy the democratic institutions in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.
These 21st century dictatorships hold elections after instituting mechanisms, procedures and restrictions, and establishing advantages, which are all anti-democratic by eliminating the level ground for the election to take place.
As I have mentioned many times over the last nine years, Hugo Chavez’s rule focused on concentrating all power on himself. After his death, Maduro became acting president, against the provisions of the Venezuelan Constitution, in order for him to run as incumbent. That way he has full control of the entire electoral process, the media, and all Venezuelan institutions.
Keep that in mind tonight when you see the election results." --Fausta's Blog
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