Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 4, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Near-Suicidal Immigration Policies

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Near-Suicidal Immigration Policies: Hanson
The Collapsing of the American Skull: Steyn
Golf by Day, Party by Night: Obama Celebrates 120th Round of Golf: Dossier

Obama Taqiyya: Collins
The Amnesty bill is a mockery of the rule of law: RS
Chair of House Intel Committee: Bombers had Outside Help: WZ

Court Rules Election Fraud Got Obama On The Ballot In 2008: Hawkins
Will Doug Kmiec Please Stand Up?: Adams
Amnesty bill would ease terrorists’ path -- Kansas Secretary of State: Kansas


Paying the Jizya to Welfare Terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev: Corner
Confirmed: Majority of Illegal Immigrants Receive Government Welfare: GWP
WaPo: Obama Defense Cuts Slamming Economy: TAB

Shocker: No One Wants to Buy Student Loan-backed Securities: Mead
Is Capitalism Killing Our Morals and Economy?: Mish
Front-Line Observations From A Seasoned Gold & Silver Bullion Dealer: ZH

Scandal Central

Gowdy: Benghazi hearings ‘coming quickly’, promises explosive evidence: Scoop
DHS Training Video Depicts Gun Owners As “Militia Members” Planning Terror Attacks: WZ
Gohmert: Muslim Brotherhood Is Guiding Obama In Boston Bombings Investigation: ThinkRegress

Climate & Energy

Al Gore, please call your office: iOTW
The Media Just Doesn't Get Science, Part 16,331: Ace
ND oil production has increased more than 600%: SAB


Help me find Media Matters’ apology to Andrew Breitbart on Pigford: LI
FEATURE: McCain Jauntily Raked Again (and Still Not on McCain's Blog-roll!): RSM
Sarah Palin Strongly Condemns White House Correspondence Dinner on Twitter: Sooper

MUST WATCH: Judge Jeanine’s EPIC smackdown on the mother of the Boston jihadi bombers: Scoop
Obama at WH Correspondents Dinner: 'I'm Not the Muslim Socialist I Used To Be' : RightPundit
The Swaggies: White House “correspondents” dinner: Fausta

Liberals Only Seem to Care When Kids Are Killed By Bullets: RWN
McRINO Teams Up With Biden To Push Gun Control: WZ
Conan O’Brien Blasts Drudge, Bush, Romney, CNN, The NRA, Matthews at WHCD: Mediaite


Krauthammer on border security: Ask Obama why he’s got a fence around the White House: DC
There's no argument between peace and war: Reagan
Spain and France Reach Record Unemployment: Mead

Officials: Russia Had Wiretap on Bomb Suspect, Discussed Jihad With Mother: RightPundit
‘Iran already past nuclear red line,’ expert says: Times of Israel
Ground Zero Mosqueteer Desecrates Remains Found at Triumphal Mosque Site: Atlas

Sci-Tech (courtesy

My two-week review of Google Glass: it all depends on the price: Scoble
Vermont Telephone Company's gigabit internet service is live, half the price of Google Fiber: Engadget
Hashtags Gone Wrong: 6 Examples of Unfortunate Hashtag Choices: SocMedToday


White House Correspondents’ Dinner: Waxing or Waning?: MOTUS
Critters and Kids: iOTW
Every Lad’s Dilemma: 1 Week Partying In Ibiza Or A Hot Summer Convertible?: CarThrottle

Image: White House Correspondents’ Dinner: Waxing or Waning?
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support the Franklin Center's Fight Against Fascism

QOTD: "The Tsarnaevs’ mom, now relocated from Cambridge to Makhachkala in delightful Dagestan, told a press conference the other day that she regrets ever having gotten mixed up with those crazy Yanks: “I would prefer not to have lived in America,” she said.

Not, I’m sure, as much as the Richard family would have preferred it. Eight-year-old Martin was killed; his sister lost a leg; and his mother suffered serious brain injuries. What did the Richards and some 200 other families do to deserve having a great big hole blown in their lives? Well, according to the New York Times, they and you bear collective responsibility. Writing on the op-ed page, Marcello Suarez-Orozco, dean of the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, and Carola Suarez-Orozco, a professor at the same institution, began their ruminations thus:

“The alleged involvement of two ethnic Chechen brothers in the deadly attack at the Boston Marathon last week should prompt Americans to reflect on whether we do an adequate job assimilating immigrants who arrive in the United States as children or teenagers.' Alternatively, the above opening sentence should “prompt Americans to reflect” on whether whoever’s editing America’s newspaper of record these days “does an adequate job” in choosing which pseudo-credentialed experts it farms out its principal analysis on terrorist atrocities to." --Mark Steyn

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