
Obama Spent More on Hawaii Vacations Than U.S. Bomb Detection: JWF
The Party of Surrender: Steyn
Letter sent to Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) tests positive for Ricin: LI
“Innocent” Saudi has ties to several Al-Qaeda Terrorists: Shoebat
“If Today Really Was the Last Day, How Would You Spend It?”: FPM
Man Has Large, Black Backpack Before Bombing, Appears to Shed It: Riehl
Toomey-Manchin Lets Doctors Block Your Gun Rights: IBD
Obama Signs Partial Repeal of STOCK Act, Puts Congress Above Law: Roll Call
Heartbreaking: Two Boston marathon bombing victims identified: Scoop
Gallup: Only 4% of Americans Think Gun Control is an Important Problem: CNS
Democrat Scum: Enough With Bombing Stuff, Pass Gun Control Already: Exam
The UAW, Having Stripped Detroit Bare, Looks To The South: CEITax dollars at work: US Forest Service Rep blames bombing on Tea Party: Twitchy
Philadelphia, 5th Largest City in US is Effectively Bankrupt: Mish
This Gold Slam is a Massive Wealth Transfer from Our Pockets to the Banks: Martenson
Argentina, Where Dollars Are the New Drugs: Mead
55% Say Their Income Taxes are Fair But 47% Paid No Taxes: Mish
Cali Can't Afford to House Prisoners, Yet Continues to Spend Wastefully: RWN
Food stamps, disability claims at record highs but veterans shut out: LoneCon
ObamaCare Taxes Will Increasingly Bite Middle Class: IBD
Scandal Central
That Didn't Take Long: Slate Writer Argues for Polygamy: First ThingsBackdoor Registration? MO Omitted That ATF Made Request: RS
DOJ still wasting millions on conferences: JW
Climate & Energy
Global Walkback: "Scientists" Struggle to Explain Why Their Theories About Global Warming Are Failing: AceShocker: Climate ‘Scientists’ Proven Wrong By Science-Again: WZ
An ill-timed LA Times article: This Ain't HellLessons Unlearned: Boston and the Make Believe Media’s Cretins: Leather Penguin
Obama Friend Bill Ayers Shows Up on List of Previous Terrorist Bombers: Tatler
The Extremists Amongst Us: Evolving: MOTUS
Carney Briefing is Cancelled: Dossier
Walter Russell Mead’s Shallow and Misleading Attack on the Bush Legacy: Commentary
CBS News continues to hope Boston bomb suspect can be tied to the Tea Party: Owens
CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did: NB
White House Disses Thatcher and Britain: DossierDancing in the Streets of Gaza: Atlas
Intel Chief Dodges Questions on North Korea Report: DefTech
Pressure-cooker bombs used in Boston attacks point to possible Islamic connection: Tatler
It Worked Sammy! AQAP's Inspire Magazine Inspires Would be Fort Hood Terrorist : Jawa
Hysteria? Plane brought back to gate at Boston's airport over men "speaking Arabic": JihadWatch
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Bombings in Boston: What Did the Cameras See?: PopMechGoogle Glass API documentation now live, Glassware sample code provided: Engadget
Intel execs predict Bay Trail touch-enabled laptops for $200 - $300 by the holidays: Engadget
In Your Face: C&S’From a Recon Marine in Afghanistan .’: Modern Survival
Larry Arnn: Reclaim First Principles: Foundry
Image: AP, via Fox News
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Bringing Down America, by Larry Grathwohl
QOTD: "[Immigration Reform is] not exactly working out that way in Britain, and seems even less likely to do so in America. Were "comprehensive immigration reform" to bring all 11 million members (a lowball estimate) of the Undocumented-American community out of the shadows and put them on the "pathway to citizenship," how many would vote Republican? Two million? Three? Of the millions more parents, grandparents, and other relatives who would follow through "family reunification," what proportion of those dependents would be receptive to whatever remains of the GOP message? Twenty percent? Thirty? By comparison with the United States, Canada and Australia have genuinely diversified immigration programs drawing from across the planet, and conservatives have had some success in wooing Chinese, Indians, and other demographics to their banner. But the retrospective legalization of a vast, unrepresentative army of the Undocumented from one corner of the globe would transform America demographically into California, the once-golden state where no Republican can be elected except a pandering celebrity squish such as Schwarzenegger who is willing to serve as frontman for the Democrats." --Mark Steyn
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