I want you to think about the Revolutionary War.

I want you to think about the Civil War.

I want you to think about World War II.

I want you to think about the Korean War.

I want you to think about the Vietnam War.

I want you to think about all the wars.

What if we had a Commander-in-Chief like this, who doesn't put victory at the top of the list?

A President who is kneecapping our soldiers with confused dictates like
granting Miranda rights to terrorists captured on the battlefield; who is kneecapping our soldiers
while they try to defeat this enemy; who is kneecapping our soldiers who have a dangerous, complicated and difficult enough task as it is.

I want you to think about how this President has dumbed-down the War on Terror by calling it other things, giving it bureaucratic titles.

I want you to think about how this President has traveled to Europe, Latin America and the Middle East -- and condemned his own country.

I want you to think about the
massive spending spree this President has unleashed; the greatest amount of spending of any entity on the face of the Earth in only a few months time.

And yet
when it comes to defense -- including
missile defense, he
slashes it.

Yes, we have a force in the Oval Office. A force for danger.

The question is whether all the good works done by all the Presidents before him, all the Commanders-in-Chief, all the excellent Attorneys General, all the excellent CIA Directors, all the troops and intelligence and law enforcement personnel, all the people who have worked so long and so hard, over the many decades...

...the question is whether what they have built will last under
this President and it will all come crumbling down with a very grievous attack on this nation.

The liberals like to say they care about humanity. I have yet to see them prove it.
Based upon: Mark Levin, 6/10/2009.
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