Gretchen Carlson has questions for Car Czar: SIGISHow to bankrupt a country: PJM (Anderson)
China moves away from dollar investments, buying gold, oil: GWP

Barack Obama is destroying the economy: EIB (Video)
Act now to stop the bailout of the IMF: Morrissey
Digging in for the Healthcare Offensive: York
Army Report: Drug Cartels, Terrorists Infiltrate U.S.: Helms
Stumped Speech: Six Meat
Signs of GOP life in Northeast: Driscoll
You have the right to burst out laughing: Maguire
A right-wing, Christian hate crime? Hardly: PJM (Simberg)
And now they want to run health care: Rick
Sotomayor and a post-racial America: MoneyRunner
What If Israel Strikes Iran?: BoltonRep. seeks action against Islamic Republic polling places:
How Ends the Amazon Defense Coalition’s Lawsuit Against Chevron in Ecuador?: BMW
Lebanese credit Bush; Friedman credits Obama: Klinghoffer
Israel need not appy for Hope 'n' Change: PJM (Meister)
UK must not kowtow to the Islamic World like Obama: PJM (Gould)
Hard Truths are really just Political Convenience: Glick
An innocent abroad: GLORIA
A Letterman Top Ten List You'll Never See on Letterman: AT (Arlandson)
Now he tells us: Geller
They're baaa-aaa--aaack: Re-launching al-Muhajiroun: Jawa
Star Trek: the Dowd Conundrum: PJTVGeorge Will on Obama's Appalling Speech: Power Line
CBS News Uses Rape Analogy For Sarah Palin: LegalIns
From White House to Blog Troll: Riehl
Climate & Energy
Warming causes more intense storms and lessening winds: DepotSUVs at fault for global collision: Punky Kitten
How to make a Malawian Soccer Ball: CrittendenLondon Underground Song: Amateur Transplants (NSFW)
Gitmo Detainee Petitions Canadian Prime Minister For Relocation: TNOYF
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