
A more honest health care poll: Kesler
9 of 10 Americans fear Obama's deficits: LA Times
Obama and Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy: PJM (Fernandez)
ACORN International changes its name: why?: Vadum
ACORN not changing its name: WashInd
Miracle in Maine: WSJIndiana funds may not be done with Chrysler: BizWeek
Cash for Clunkers: Unfair: MYODBP
U.S. contacted Ayatollah before election: TimesKey Iranian Dissident Riled at Obama's Approach: Timmerman
The Old City is 'Occupied'
Sarkozy disses the Burqa: LGF
Obama's clear hostility to Israel
Found: Hitchcock's documentary on Holocaust: Google
Why I, as a British Muslim woman, want the burkha banned from our streets: Daily Mail (UK)
Climate & Energy
API: Climate Change Bill Will Drive Up Cost of Fuel: BMWMedia
Obama calls on HuffPo for staged question: PoliticoMSM forfeits right to call foul: Pundette
Tangled Web: PJM (Fernandez)
Book Excerpt: Catastrophe: PMSNBC
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