
The little president who wasn't there: AT (Lewis)
A Soldier's Life is Cheap Now: AT (Fairchok)
Oops! Obama lied about keeping your own doctor: Boehner
Hotel California: America's Nightmare: Kesler
Maine torches the FIrst Amendment: PJM (Poole)
Who's funding the Obamacare astroturf campaign?: Malkin
Democrat funds his son's project: Times
Obamacare should be a sitting duck: Karl
Dems pack pork into Cap-and-Trade: ConfYank
Detroit Public Schools, $430M in debt, has 257 ghosts on payroll: BlogProf
EPA tries to censor disconfirming climate info: AT (Sheppard)Another meltdown? It's only a matter of time: Globe & Mail
After Global Warming: AT (Anderson)
The rush towards energy dependence: CSM
Waxman-Markey bill would kill clean energy growth: WSJ
Climate bill gives billions to foreign foliage: Times
Holding Obama accountable on the Stimulus: Foundry
Massacre in Tehran: ProvocateurObama stays the course with wiener diplomacy: Honest
Cairo speech inspired protesters?: TigerHawk
Stay tuned for more of the Obama show: MilbankDid Sheryl Crow Post a Comment on My Blog?: BMW
Burger King's latest whopper: Morrissey
Get Smarter: AtlanticRed Meat: TigerHawk
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