
It's 3 am, Does Anyone Know Where Obama Is?: JWF
ACORN Brownshirts Assault Republicans: Newsday
The Obamacare Horror Story You Won't Hear: Malkin
Daschle: Obama should dump public health option: Sister Toldjah
Healthcare Reform: It’s Not About You: Kesler
Not-So-Silent Lucidity: Walpin Refuses Kool-Aid, Gets Dizzy: Powers
Health Insurance Fraud Exposed: LegalIns
Obama seeks a replay of financial meltdown: Examiner
Support the Families of the Recruiting Office shooting: BlackFive
After Obama Fails: AT (Joyce)
The Saga of the Bearer Bonds: Market TickerAnother IG Scandal Brewing: TARP: Instapundit
Graph: Stimulus FAIL: Ace
Obama's Prescription for our Recession: Howling
Iran's Supreme Leader Praises Vote: TimesNorth Korea threatens Nuclear War: Hot Air
Brigitte Gabriel: A Response to the Cairo Speech: AYAFI
Iran Photoshops Support for Nazi-in-Chief: Big Feed
Shock: Iran Plays The Zionist-Plot Card: LegalIns
The Two-State To Nowhere: Another Futile Attempt At Appeasement: JihadWatch (Grobman)
Obama appears to prefer regime change in Israel more than Iran: Klinghoffer
Cleric's killing turns Pakistan public against the Taliban: Dallas News
White House "livid" with Carter over Hamas lunacy: Matzav
Who is this guy?: Coffee Shop
PETA Outraged at Presidential Fly Execution: LGFLies, Damned Lies and BBC Climate Reports: AT (Glover)
Our Freezing Summer: Anchoress
My open heart surgery, Michelle Obama, and UBL: Winter SoldierObama Offers French Profound Apology For D-Day: TNOYF
Colbert interviews bereaved Fly family: Colbert
Quote du Jour:
"Obama has the magic to make words mean almost anything. Numbers are more resistant to his charms." -- Charles Krauthammer
Poster: Rachael from Kentucky.
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