Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 3, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Obama Hectors, Lies on Gun Control Statistics (Again)

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Obama Hectors, Lies on Gun Control Statistics (Again): PJM
Ted Cruz hammers Obama for using Sandy Hook to promote agenda: Scoop
Sen. Lee: 3 Reasons Why I Threatened to Block Obama's Gun Proposals: PJM

Red Meat: “I am sick and tired of my country being attacked from within!”: Scoop
Cults and Factions in Modern America: Ace
Biden to Take Third Vacation of the Year: Dossier

Beating Thy Enemy II, The Media (attacking from outside the tent): Dewey
Confirmed: the NRA was right about Sandy Hook: GWP
Kagan ’09: ‘There is No Federal Constitutional Right to Same-Sex Marriage’: RWN


You'd have thought Wal-Mart would have learned...: Instapundit
Sebelius doesn't understand what insurance is: Instapundit
The Next Real Estate Bubble: Farmland: Ameican

64% Think Too Many Americans Are Dependent On Government Aid: WZ
WSJ: Food Stamps Swell as Economy "Improves": WS
Hollande: All right, new plan on that 75 percent millionaire tax: Hot Air

Scandal Central

Obama creates panel to recommend state election law changes: DC
Bloomberg’s Gun Control Paradise: Sandy-Ravaged Staten Islanders Fend Off Looters With Rakes, Sticks: JWF
Someone Call Dianne Feinstein…..HURRY!!!: Western

Climate & Energy

EPA to unveil plan to clean up tailpipe pollution that critics say would raise gas prices: Fox


CNN's Piers Morgan Lies Again: Says Newtown Kook Was NRA Member: Instapundit
Two Redfords in One: Instapundit
Time to Get Serious: Commentary

What Happens After Immigrants Arrive Is Important, Too: Rasmussen
Newtown Massacre Search Warrants Released to the Delight of Biased Media: AmmoLand
Israeli filmmaker beaten unconscious at French film festival: Commentator


Growing Risk of Another North Korean Attack: Foundry
RESET: Russia Launches Surprise Large-Scale, 36 Warship Military Exercise In The Black Sea: ZH
Forget Cyprus, the real savings robbery is in Britain: Spectator

Syrian jihadists getting Western weapons: JihadWatch
N. Korea's Kim aims rockets at DC, LA, Hawaii and Austin: Fox
China lashes out at US technology restrictions: Saudi Gazette

Sci-Tech (courtesy

The 10 Coolest Guns on Planet Earth: RWN
Is Marianas Trench A Lifeless Void?: Deep Sea News
Ideas for deterring cyber espionage attacks: NetSec


Buffalo Wild Wings: Extremely anti-gun; refuses to serve police officers because of guns: GSL
Not a Staged Photo (Really! We Swear!): SCC
Reality Bites: MOTUS

Image: Rubio And Inhofe Sign Letter Vowing To Block Start Of Senate Gun Control Debate
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "It is saddening to see the president today, once again, try to take advantage of this tragic murder to promote an agenda that will do nothing to stop violent crime, but will undermine the constitutional rights of all law-abiding Americans. I am committed to working with Sens. Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, and Jim Inhofe — and I hope many other colleagues — to use any procedural means necessary to protect those fundamental rights.

In any conversation about how to prevent future tragedies such as Sandy Hook, our focus should be on stopping criminals from obtaining guns. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has failed to make this a priority — in 2010, out of more than 15,700 fugitives and felons who tried to illegally purchase a firearm, the Obama Justice Department prosecuted only 44. That is unacceptable." --Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

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