Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 1, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Military Leaders Who Will Fire on U.S. Citizens

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"Military leaders who ‘will fire on U.S. citizens'": Wisdom
If we don't address the debt, there will be totalitarianism: Scoop
Feinstein calls for banning more than 150 types of firearms: DC

Filibuster Deal Hits Rights to Debate Judicial Nominees: Foundry
Reid… does not *cave* on the filibuster. Rather, he *disengages*.: Lane
Watergate-era Judiciary chief of staff: Hillary Clinton fired for lies: CFP

An enormous mistake: women in combat roles: Hawkins
No Shots Fired: Blaze
Manchin backpedals on gun control after constitutents confront him: Hot Air


Health insurance brokers prepare clients for Obamacare sticker shock: AEI
Gallup: Americans Most Negative On Nation And Economy In 30 Years: Aces
Is it time to start talking about a depression?: BBC

Fed’s Holdings of U.S. Gov't Debt Up 257% Under Obama: CNS
The Progressive Vision, Clearly Exposed, Doesn't Work: Elephant
Union Bosses' Bad Week: RS

Scandal Central

Sandy victims still freezing their butts off in Obamaville: WyBlog
Hmmm: John Boehner Knows About the Libyan Gun trafficking But Somehow Hillary Doesn’t?: Nice Deb
Rumor: Obama to Shut Down Southern Air Defense Systems: SHTFplan


We Must Do Something About The Media: Ace
DiFi’s Ban on “Assault Rifles” Not Likely to Pass so What’s the Real Agenda?: Nice Deb
Live Inside Your Head, Rent-Free: RSM

Sneak Preview: "Boomtown: Washington, the Imperial City": Breitbart
CNN's Berman on Benghazi: 'Don't the Facts Always Make a Difference?': NB
While David Gregory Gets Off Scot-Free, DC Man Who Used Gun to Save Kid May Be Charged: NB


Hillary Lets the Jihadist Cat Out of the Bag: FPM
UK names Israel a 'country of concern' for 'human rights' violations twice as bad as Iran: Matzav
UN expert investigates US drone attacks, targeted killings involving civilians: Fox

Report: Major explosion hits Iran's underground Fordow nuclear facility after it crosses 'red line': Matzav
Senators, Hillary Miss The Point at Hearing: Morris
Where Are The Witnesses Who Survived Benghazi?: Glob

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Google Wants to Own the Airwaves, Now: AtlWire
Twitter unveils Vine, its six-second Instagram for video: CNet
Create a secure browsing session on any Windows computer: NetSec


If it weren’t for low integrity...: MOTUS
Hillary's 2016 Campaign Starts Today!: American Digest
Wisconsin Man Wearing "Breathalyzer" T-Shirt Arrested For Sixth Time For Drunk Driving: TSG

Image: Harry Reid
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: PJ TV

QOTD: "When we look at how our government has responded to the night of September 11 in Benghazi, Libya, we see there are truly no standards any more.

If the decision making before, during, and after the Benghazi attack is insufficient to get anyone fired, what decision in government will ever warrant that consequence? If Democrats on Capitol Hill can't take off their partisan blinders for one day to attempt to hold people accountable for decision-making that resulted in American deaths at the hands of extremists, and then lying to the public about it, then when will they ever? If Hillary Clinton can exclaim that it doesn't matter that the administration spent five days talking about a video when the video had nothing to do with it, and everyone on her side applauds, why should she or anyone else ever respond to an accusation with anything but audacious defiance?

This is it, folks. This is the government we have, and the lack of a public outcry about Benghazi ensures this is the government we will have for the foreseeable future." --Jim Geraghty

Bonus QOTD: "The true source of Obama's power is completely overlooked (or willfully ignored) by the GOP, perhaps because it is too terrifying to contemplate, too awesome to engage: that he has completely removed an investigative and anti-authoritarian media (in Mencken's famous adage, one committed in part "to afflicting the comfortable") from the political dynamic. Obama operates with the most massive propaganda arm ever been seen in modern history. He is essentially invulnerable. At no point did Romney/Ryan come close to addressing this sick truth so dangerous to our society and freedoms. Nor do any other Republicans. Breitbart alone found expression for his moral outrage and developed a plan of counter-attack. Since he died, however, the game has gone back to carping and chronicling "media bias." We need a battle plan." --rrpjr

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