Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 12, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Fiscal Cliff Debate Is About the Size Of Government, Not Taxing 'The Rich'

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Fiscal Cliff Debate Is About Size Of Government, Not 'The Rich': Sowell
Forum: The Fiscal Cliff – Let It Happen Or Grand Bargain?: Watcher
The Purge of House Conservatives Continues: RS

Why I'm Enlisting In Andrew Breitbart's War: Breitbart
Conservatives need to use better tactics and language: Kuznicki
Obama Aide: With These Republicans, There’d Still Be Slavery: Beacon

I am Thankful for John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Kevin McCarthy: RS
Pressure Coming From Below: Loudon
The Reasoning Behind Allen West: Scoop


Let's Have a Depression Now: Pelerin
GM Channel Stuffing WTF!?: ZH
ObamaCare’s Magical Premium Tax: Cato

The 1930s All Over Again?: Brenner
Obama Should Return To Clinton-Era Spending Levels: IBD
Fed President Promotes Political Lies: Denninger

Who's Not Bargaining in Good Faith?: Samuelson
Obama: I am the law: Exam
I'll See Your Economic Collapse and Raise You National Demise: Duke

Scandal Central

State Department Spent 4.5 Million for Embassy Art, Had No Money for Benghazi Security: FPM
The $2 Billion Stimulus Disaster You've Never Heard About: MenRec
Since Election Day, Obama has golfed more times than worked on Fiscal Cliff deal: IHTM


An open letter to Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock: DPU
Thinned-Skin President Taunts Kid Rock For Supporting Romney, Tells Him I'm Still Here: WZ
Why some people voted Democrat: CDN

Don't Care Any More: Zilla
Embarrassment to mankind Keith Olbermann says Iraq veteran and amputee ‘embarrasses the military’: Twitchy
Seven Black Teenagers Attack 1 White Teenager And Beat Him Senseless: HySci

The 50 Best Conservative Columnists Of 2012 (4th Annual): RWN
Left-Wing Media Plans to Get Tough on Obama: AIM
Bloody new photo of Trayvon Martin's killer released: Trib

Columnist Who Inspired Bob Costas Drops New Bomb: 'The NRA Is the New KKK': NB
The 7 Pieces of Advice by Trotsky for Obama, found in the 1934 Chicago Tribune: Hideout
Leftist Idiots Barricade Themselves Inside Keystone XL Pipe in Texas: GWP


Hungarian Parlimentarian Calls For “List Of Jews” To Be Compiled: NoisyRm
10 Lies About the Israel-Hamas Conflict: IPT
Judge off Hood case; Hasan shave order tossed: ArmyTimes

Video: Assad Moving Chemical Weapons: WorldThreats
The ITU treaty could be bad news if unchecked: RS
Gun Control Debate Erupts on Hannity: Blaze

Sci-Tech (courtesy

2012 Social Media Report: Users Spend 58% More Time on Social, App Usage More Than Doubles: Marketingland
A Third of Young Adults (and Some Bloggers You Know) Use Social Media in the Bathroom: Mashable
Autonomy Foes Circling to Poach Customers: Channelnomics


We Honor Artistic Expression: MOTUS
Tire Irons and Handcuffs: The Sheik Returns: Primordial Slack
Time For Bernanke To Retract His Sworn Testimony To Congress: ZH

Image: Twitchy
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The Objective Standard

QOTD: "In a Bloomberg story titled, appropriately enough "Treasury Scarcity to Grow as Fed Buys 90% of New Bonds" we read that "the Fed, in its efforts to boost growth, will add about $45 billion of Treasuries a month to the $40 billion in mortgage debt it’s purchasing, effectively absorbing about 90 percent of net new dollar-denominated fixed-income assets, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co." Actually that's incorrect and it is more like 100%. What is however 100% correct is what the bolded means in plain language: it is now accepted that the Fed will outright monetize all gross US issuance. Let us repeat this sentence for those who just had flashbacks to Adam Fergusson's "When money dies." The Fed is now monetizing practically all net new debt...

...What Bernanke implicitly, and in one week explicitly, has announced is that it now takes $85 billion in monthly Flow injection from the Fed just to keep the market from collapsing." --Tyler Durden

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