The main problem with the Republicans is that they are perpetually uncool. Although some take comfort in the glow of self-righteousness and condemnation of those who are not worthy, the Republican Party has little to offer the citizens of the United States. Even the once strong point of having solid economic principles they purportedly endorse, this idea seems to be no-more as evidenced by the economic liberal choices of president they continue to select. I mean, really? McCain and Romney were planning to get the country back on sound economic ground? Instead of being economic stalwarts of fiscal responsibility, they seem to be socialist lite… That is, ”only half the socialist calories of the other brand!”
What they are doing is doubling down on is the social issues that piss people off. Republicans are on the wrong side of these issues and they represent a black eye that history will not remember fondly. Most voters don’t understand fiscal and economic policy. They just don’t. What they do understand is that they have a relative or friend that is gay. They do understand that they have a relative or friend that smokes an occasional joint. They do understand that they have a relative or friend that is an immigrant. They do not like watching family friendly entertainment all the time. People are turned off by the self-righteous holier-than-thou attitude that Republicans continue to put forth. While not considering the many fine people they are disenfranchising, the Republicans seem to be more than willing to water down sound financial principles of which everyone would benefit. We only have one shot in this world and if we are going to be labeled as ”sinners” we might as well (as said by Billy Joel): “we would rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints because the sinners are much more fun.”
We have our work cut out for us. As Trevor Loudon reminds us, the next four years are going to be disastrous unless Republicans stand for something basic, primitive and real: America.
• Diverting money from the military to social spending will be a huge part of the agenda. After all, a strong US military is the major block to world revolution.
• The push will be towards universal socialist healthcare and an economy wrecking Financial Transactions Tax.
• Ending poverty through massive re-distribution will be a big focus… capitalizing on the 50th anniversary of DSA founder Michael Harrington‘s famous book “The Other America,” which helped to launch Lyndon Johnson’s catastrophic and completely counter productive “War on Poverty” in the mid-1960s.
• Students will be manipulated with promises of loan forgiveness. There will be a huge push for immigration reform. DSA leader Eliseo Medina, a leader of the movement, has openly boasted that this will mean eight million more Democrat Party votes.
Until conservatives and Republicans realize that they are opposing a Marxist dominated party, they are destined to a series of defeats on the way to political oblivion... [Democrats are no longer] the party of Truman or Kennedy, but the party of Marx, Lenin, Alinsky and Gramsci.
...Republicans are no longer fighting old line Democrats. They are effectively battling D.S.A, the Communist Party and the labor unions. The Democrats are simply a front for the Marxists.
These people play dirty, and they play for keeps.
We're Americans. We don't give up. We don't give in to thugs. And we need leaders who won't give in either. Who will stand tall in the face of existential threats to this country.
We need Republicans who can speak eloquently about what the future holds under the collectivists in the Democrat Party, about the failures of big government, and about liberty. Liberty is cool. Liberty is inclusive. Liberty appeals to all ages, races, religions, colors and backgrounds.
We need Republicans who can give voice to liberty and who will politically offer no quarter to the progressives who seek to destroy this great land. That will appeal to the old and the young, the rich and the poor, women and men, and anyone else who dreams of a better future for themselves and subsequent generations.
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