Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 11, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Taking DC By Strategy - A Battle Plan

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Taking DC By Strategy - A Battle Plan: JoshuaPundit
McCain Smashes Obama Back: You're Incompetent or Corrupt: Breitbart
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: The President Himself Intentionally LIED: Nice Deb

The Need to Explain: Sowell
To Win, Obama Sacrifices House, State Legislatures: Barone
Yes, Obama is still an amateur president: Fox

Petraeus Knew ‘Almost Immediately’ Benghazi a Terrorist Attack: Beacon
10 Myths About Defense Spending: CDN
‘Shirtless’ FBI Agent, A Hero And Conservative: S&L


Denny's: new 5% 'Obamacare surcharge', will cut employee hours: Cove
Jobless Numbers Highest In a Year -- Week After Election: GWP
Poverty and the welfare state in America: Blazing Cat Fur

State Exchanges - Is This Our Last Hope Against Obamacare?: FreeWork
Number of Food Stamp Recipients Equal to 75% of Obama Vote Total: CNS
Democrats Want To Go Off The Fiscal Cliff: CDN

BREAKING NEWS: The Economy Sucks: RSM
Obamanomics: U.S. Poverty Rate Spiking To Nearly 50 Million Americans: WZ
USPS Burning $250MM a Day, Posts Record $15.9B Loss: ZH

Scandal Central

Remember the MF Global debacle? Yeah, it was totally Jon Corzine's fault: WyBlog
Obama promised transparency, delivered secrecy: Exam
Jill Kelley Visited White House in September: Sentinel

Amazing Coincidence Relayed by CBS: CIA talking points for Rice never mentioned terrorism: Hot Air
E-mails to Jill Kelley, general raised stalking fears: USA Today
Tampa's social scene: Kelleys' lavish life hid troubles: USA Today

Climate & Energy

Obama: Fixing Economy Takes Precedence Over Hotcoldwetdry Legislation: Cove
Why Isn’t Sandy Obama’s Katrina?: Commentary
Government Motors Losing $49,000 on Every Chevy Volt: FPM


NBC’s Brian Williams & Andrea Mitchell thrilled to think Obama’s presser imitated movie: Malkin
America is a Left-Wing Nation: Sense of Events
Gallup: 45% Want Equal Tax Hikes and Spending Cuts: Ace

Hey State Controlled Media - The Country is actually trending Republican!: CommonCts
Media Distressed To Learn That Democrats Are Quite Serious About Their Shameful Pandering on Entitlements: Ace
NBC covers for teachers union at Northwestern Marxist conference: LI

Karl Rove Cannot See the Elephant in the Living Room: Ace
Penitentiary President: RWN
Obama Admin Admits Info Released to Filmmakers Might Pose a ‘security and counterintelligence risk’: JW


Muslim Brotherhood Mobilizes for Hamas: FPM
Tel Aviv residents scramble for cover as rockets fired into country’s economic capital: Times of Israel
Kelly Ayotte: The Invisible Senator at the Benghazi event: DTG

Maintaining Clarity in the Debate over Gaza Tactics: NRO
Pictures Coming Out of Israel Are Chilling: Blaze
Silence in Sderot: GoV

2013: A Century of Progress: RSM
Busted! Hamas Tweets Out Bogus Photo of Wounded Child: GWP
Tennessee: Muslim Child Gives Classmates Toy Guns on Islamic Holiday: Fox Radio

Sci-Tech (courtesy

TNS24 - a fake courier company website, used by online scammers: Sophos
Obama reportedly signs secretive cybersecurity policy directive: CNet
Only nine nations own national Twitter handles: Study: IndiaTimes


Hamas Bumper Stickers on Twitter, started by @ThePeoplesCube: Cube
The Organic Ambigram: Smashing
A Little Secret About the Nazis: FreeRepublic

Image: USA Today
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The Fight Back Starts Now

QOTD: "The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president." --Prager Zeitungon

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