Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 11, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Mark Levin Slams Republican Sell-Outs on Taxes

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Mark Levin Slams Republican Sell-Outs on Taxes: Scoop
Retire #Taxby Chambliss: RSM
The New Politics of Discrimination: Dossier

The Benghazi-Syria Connection: RS
Obama's quality of mercy is surprisingly strained: Exam
Cleveland Rally Calls For the Destruction of Israel: IPT


Mark Steyn puts ‘taxing the rich’ in absolute perspective: Scoop
Mark Levin: Let the fiscal cliff happen: Scoop
On Black Friday, Treasury Borrowed $212 Per Household: CNS

In Reward for Their Service Barack Obama Is Firing 20,000 Marines: GWP
Obama Thanks Young Voters with Student Aid Cuts: RedAlert
On Not Cooperating With Obamacare: NRO

One way to fight Obamacare: "Go limp" : Pundette
NOT BREAKING: Unions Hurt Democracy, Consumers and Economy: AIM
Alan Grayson Bounced from Wal-Mart for Union Agitating: WZ

Scandal Central

Notre Dame Player in Deadly Assault Scandal Still Playing: Wizbang
Justice Ginsburg: We Need An All-Female Supreme Court: CNS
Texas A&M to pay damages for discrimination against conservatives: Campus Reform

Climate & Energy

Feds Planning to Regulate Hydraulic Fracturing Despite State Successes: CFP
CIA Quietly Closes Global Warming Unit: JW
Iran Positioned to Threaten Oil Lanes: OilPrice


Conservative Blogger Poll Results: Who Should The GOP Choose As Their Nominee in 2016?: RWN
Carney: "It Would Ruin The Fun" If I Gave Away All Of Obama's Fiscal Cliff Plans: RCP
Flashback: Do You Remember Those Racist Condi Rice Cartoons?: CDN

Paul Krugman’s ‘Remarkable Success Story’ in Latin America: Cato
Chris Christie announces he's running for re-election. As a Republican?: WyBlog
Grover Norquist: 'Warren Buffett Should Write a Check and Shut Up': NB


PRAVDA: Obama Voters "Illiterate"; Support 'Communist Without Question'; 'Their Suffering Has Only Begun': RR
Right Wing Christian Extremist to Execute 12 Homosexuals: Jawa
Saudi Mujahid Sheikh: Jihad Against The Cursed Jews Everywhere Is A Supreme Duty: MEMRI

Assad's Troops Wipe Out a Playground Full of Children in Syria: AtlWire
White House Refuses To Condemn Morsi’s Dictatorial Power Grab: WZ
Mexican Beauty Queen Killed in Shooutout: AP

Cuban-American Vote Explains Everything: RWN
Today’s Op-Ed by Condi Rice in WaPo Is a Must-Read: Sentinel
Obama ‘drone-warfare rulebook’ condemned by human rights groups: RedAlert

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Should You Buy the $129 Amazon Kindle Fire?: PCMag
Google Fiber Ignites Kansas City Startup Scene: Mashable
DIY mass iFrame injecting Apache module sold online: NetSec


In Which Instapundit Tells Me to Cheer Up, For Goodness's Sake: Ricochet
Sandra Fluke is a candidate for Time’s “Person of the Year.”: IHTM
SCOTUS revives a challenge to Obamacar: Exam

Image: Babalu
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Cold Fury

QOTD: [Come January, more than two-thirds of the states will be under single-party control,] "an interesting phenomenon to watch during the next four years of a continued Obama economy. As the choices made by individual states become more starkly partisan and the results start rolling in, we’re going to be able to compare apples to apples — and I’d bet good money that red states are going to start seeing significant gains in areas over which they have control.

For instance, California has a massive debt crisis on hand, and is sitting atop oil and gas reserves four times as large as those available in the Bakken Formation in North Dakota. Although California could sorely use the revenue and jobs that tapping into those resources more would create, they’re obstinately committed to developing an economy more focused on renewables. North Dakota, meanwhile, is taking full advantage of their energy resources, and their economy is going gangbusters with an unemployment rate hovering around three percent.

Implementing ObamaCare, education policy, regulatory agendas, taxes, energy development — there are plenty of policy decisions on which the parties will be able to make their specific mark, and the contrasts between good policies and bad policies are going to be much more readily apparent." --Erika Johnsen

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