Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 8, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: This

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This: Ace
Brock launches new "watchdog" group against conservatives: Breitbart
Ryan pledges Romney administration will put away the toys: RWN

Stop the Leaks: SOS
How I became George Obama's 'brother': D'Souza
An instance of liberals' preference for narrative over reality: Power Line

Paul Ryan draws a crowd at The Villages: Deep Fried Manatees
Obama camp - We are intentionally limiting crowd size at rallies: Picket
Beck Collects Obama’s Most Outrageous Statements: MB


Precious U.S. Citizenship: Diminished and Given Away by Obama: AT
Is PolitiFact now campaigning for the President?: RWN
Reid used Kennedy’s brain cancer to beg for stimulus votes?: DC

Can Paul Ryan Make the Moral Case for Capitalism?: ObjStd
Potentially Devastating News on the Obama Economy: AT
Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty: Heritage (2010)

Scandal Central

Why Issa won't drop 'fast and furious': GovExec
Rep. Farenthold to Newsmax: Fast and Furious Documents ‘Incriminating,’ ‘Explosive’: Newsmax
And Now Facebook's Bankers Are Divvying Up The $100 Million They Made Shorting Facebook's Stock: Blodget

Climate & Energy

Keystone Blunder Increases Dependence on Saudi Oil: Mead
GAO: EPA Rules to Cause Energy Price Increases in Midwest, Compromise Electric Grid: Exam
Green Co. Cans 234 Employees After Getting $32 Million For 250 ObamaJobs: Soylent (NSFW)


ABC's Tapper Calls Out Obama's Deceptive Attacks on Ryan Tax Plan: NB
Boston Globe slams Joe Biden for gaffes, and liberals for hypocrisy. (That was not a typo.): Lane
Salon Writer Describes Joe Biden as the 'Practically Perfect Vice President': NB

The Left-Wing World is Upside Down: Erickson
Mark Halperin: 'The Media Is Very Susceptible to Doing What the Obama Campaign Wants': WS
Decoding Republican Dog Whistles: A Tutorial: Cube

Hardly News: Democrat Corzine, Others at MF Global on Track to Avoid Criminal Charges: Blumer
PBS’s Gwen “Bain-is-like-Solyndra” Ifill ‘livid’ at not being debate moderator.: Lane
Perception: JPA


Hezbollah marches through London again: Atlas
Absolutely Must See! How the KGB Orchestrated the “Collapse of Communism”: Loudon
Suicide Bomber Kills 7 Russian Policemen at Funeral:

Iran’s dictator Ahmadinejad: Israel’s existence is an “insult to all humanity”: Wintery Knight
Israel – Barbarians at the Gate: NoisyRm
Japan, China islands disputes deepen with landings, protests: Reuters


Why Twitter Wanting to Kill All Third Party Twitter Apps Is Ridiculous: Gizmodo
Apocalypse Not: Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Worry About End Times: Wired
Disappearing test cases or did another part of MySQL just become closed source?: MariaDB


Obama Alienates Yet Another Support Base: Cube
New Badass Ads for Mitt: Morlock
Valerie B. Jarrett Serves as Senior Admirer to President Barack Obama: Granny Jan

Image: Russian Orthodox Priests Forgive Punk Rockers Pussy Riot
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "How did Countrywide end up as one of the worst villains in the housing-bubble collapse, which cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars and nearly crushed the financial sector? Simple: they bought political connections by offering sweetheart deals to people like Chris Dodd, who headed the Senate Banking Committee, and Towns, whose committee was supposed to keep corruption out of federal regulation of the market. When the entire mess collapsed, people like Dodd and Towns were in position to manipulate the investigations in order to avoid detection. Dodd was less successful at that effort than Towns, who got away with it as long as Democrats remained in charge of Congress — and the White House, which has been mighty incurious on the whole issue since running on populist outrage over the housing-bubble collapse.

Towns announced his retirement in April. He should be expelled, and his pension benefits stripped for this coverup." --Ed Morrissey

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