Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 7, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Will Department of Social Justice Impose Sharia?

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Will Department of Social Justice Impose Sharia?: MB
The Top 10 Most Dangerous Liberals: Events
RNC Ad Warns of Obama’s Second Term Plans: “Again”: NoisyRm

What Every Citizen Must Know About Our Debt: CDN
The State As a Fantasy: ZH
Freedom Works Event Proves Tea-Party Alive and Well: RWN

100 Days Left Till General Election: RWN
Reward: $50,000 for Khalidi tape of Obama at anti-Israel gala: Breitbart
Jindal: Obama "Most Incompetent President Since Carter": Shark


No joke: White House replicates subprime crisis policies: Rush
What Are the Odds Your Employer Will Drop Health Coverage?: Foundry
Bone-Chilling: Krugman wants to head the Fed: WZ

Millions flee California because of progressive tax system: DC
Blowing the whistle on the federal Leviathan: Will
Obamacare medical device tax kills company's expansion plans: Fox

Scandal Central

Obama still campaigning on the taxpayer dime (illegally): RS
ATF Director Follows Up on Whistleblower Remarks: MainJustice
New details on Fast and Furious coming this week from reporter Sharyl Attkisson?: FAM

Climate & Energy

Record number of coal-fired generators to be shut down in 2012: DC


Levin interviews Paul Kengor, connecting Jarrett, Axelrod, and Obama to communist mentors: Scoop
NBC Edits Out Olympics’ Tribute to Victims of Terrorism: Sooper
Oh, my: even left-wing Political Wire reports Claire McCaskill in big, big trouble: PolWire

Always the Last to Know: Driscoll
Time Magazine, of all periodicals, hammers left-wing Chicago and Boston mayers for wronging Chick-Fil-A: RWN
AP Headline: 'Unemployment Could Stay High'; Opening Sentence: 'High Unemployment Isn't Going Away': NB


Obama Blasted for Failure to Visit Israel: Beacon
Krauthammer: No Pro-Israel Person Will Support Obama 'Unless He's Been In A Coma For 3-and-a-half Years': Fox
NHS did not deserve to be so disgracefully glorified in this bonanza of left-wing propaganda: DailyMai

Commie Punks Protest Olympics: RSM
Norway’s Love Affair With Communist Thugs: GoV
An ill wind blows between US and Israeli intelligence over attack on Iran: DEBKA


Census introduces API to make information more accessible: FCW
Subway iPad theft leaves reporter with broken jaw: Tuaw
HP manufacturing gaffe provides rare, unsanctioned look at Chinese assembly line: Verge


Eye Candy at the Olympics: Waznmentobe
Vote for the Hottest Woman on the Hill/2012: Stockton
Video: Obama and Biden speech excerpts inspire new Obama/Biden 2012 slogans: Malkin

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate

QOTD: "The unconscionable behavior of the political class should be thought of as a contagious disease that infiltrates any industry that comes within influence of the state. Government contractors, lobbying associations, favored corporations, and even the press all seek to use the monopolized power of government to further their own interests. Instead of attempting to roll back stifling regulations, many of these firms simply wish to get in on the spoils of the great extortionary scheme. The results are always the same. Politicians pretend to be saving the people from cold-natured capitalism while politically-connected businessmen and bankers act as if their commercial success is completely of their own doing. The hidden truth is both act in tandem to fleece the average taxpayer." --James E. Miller

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