Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 7, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Finding Hope

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Finding Hope: Hale
Are Obama voters really as solid as they profess?: IBD
DNC Homepage: More Attack Ads Than Accomplishments: CBS DC

Why Obama Has No Intention of Losing This November: NiceDeb
JW Exposes Voter Participation Center Scandal: JW
Man with carry permit ends bloody stabbing spree with handgun: Riehl

Obama’s ‘gaffes’ are what he truly believes: Times
Tweet o' the Week: Glob
Conservative Grassroots Must Claim Texas Victory: DeMint


Shock: massive waste in fed jobs training programs: Foundry
Obama-Care Could Cost McDonald’s $420M A Year: S&L
‘Abysmal Failure’: RSM

Freak-Out Friday: GDP Report Seen Worst In Over Year: IBD
Mitt Reveals What ‘It’ Is: RSM
Teachers’ Unions Targeting Private Schools: HayRide

Scandal Central

When government chooses not to enforce the law of the land: Q&O
Justice Department Blocks Voter ID at Every Turn: Foundry
Eric Holder supports voter fraud: RWN

Climate & Energy

PETA Taking Bets On Grassley’s Death: Soylent (NSFW)
Oregon Man Sentenced to Jail for Collecting Rainwater on His Own Property?: Patterico


NYT: We've got a bleeder!: Moe Lane
Is 2012 a rerun of 1980?: Power Line
What is this crap about?: CapPrev

British newspaper calls Obama “ineffectual, invisible, the weakest president in history”: IHTM
Yes, the left is happy a man died: Riehl
White Liberal Scolds White Conservatives on the “Black Dialect” of Half-Black, Half-White Guy: Sooper

Wreck-It Barack: Beacon
Tapper to Jay Carney: Hey, remember in 2004 when Obama wanted to bring the country together?: Hot Air
DOJ Violating Nepotism Rules – For The Third Time: S&L


The Muslim Brotherhood's American Defenders: Glick
Robert Spencer on Mark Levin speaks about Bachmann, McCain, and the Muslim Brotherhood: JihadWatch
Mark Levin: It is true, Bachmann WAS told to apologize or she might lose her intelligence committee post: Scoop

Repeal Obamacare to Save National Defense: Foundry
The Phony Outrage Over Romney’s Entirely Accurate Olympics Comments: Geraghty
British Embassy Confirms Krauthammer Right, White House Wrong: Churchill Bust Returned in 2009: Mediate

Official Won’t Say Whether DOJ Would ‘Criminalize Speech against Any Religion’ [i.e., Islam]: CNS
The Munich 11 Virtual Memorial: JSpace
Rep. Keith Ellison: Failing America & Supporting Terrorist Front Groups?: NoisyRm


Insync for Gmail Syncs Your Attachments to Google Drive (and Dropbox, Soon): LifeHacker
Tubbs And Crockett May Need To Borrow Your Handsome Bluetooth Brick Headset: TechCrunch
Is Google's Handwrite A Step Backwards?: SE Roundtable


Best ad for a boxing gym ever. Seriously. Ever. (language warning): SF Egotist
Motorcyclist arrested after video that appears to show him speeding at 186 mph goes viral: Yahoo!
Explorers find sunken German U-Boat off coast of Massachusetts: AP

Non-Human Consciousness Exists Say Experts. Now What?: Singularity
That’s the Olympic Spirit: Winning!: MOTUS
What The Housing Recovery Will Look Like Under An Obama Second Term: Looking Spoon

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate!

QOTD: "Once this election boiled down to Chic-Fil-A, dogs riding on cars or being eaten and dancing horses, I knew it was the most vital one ever." --Jazz Shaw

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