Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 5, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Former Navy SEAL: "Loose Lips Will Sink Ships"

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Former Navy SEAL Ben Smith: “Loose Lips Will Sink Ships”: ASK
Newly Revealed: Obama Featured At 1996 Socialist Event: WZ
NY GOP Trying to Ban Anonymous Online Comments?: MenRec

“Blac Bloc” Video: Destroying SF, Attacking Police: Sooper
Senate Democrats Betray Lilly: Beacon
Flashing Headlights To Warn of Speed Trap Is Protected Speech: Cato

Obviously, Obama’s KY And ARK Beatdowns Were Raaaaacism: RWN
Dewhurst releases false attack ad against Ted Cruz: Breitbart
Obama: Not That Bright: Kelly


Governments Are Never Cheap: P&F
Romney: Why is Obama attacking capitalism?: Hot Air
Poll: Scott Walker Lead Explodes to 12%: Pundit

Bad News for Globalists: RWN
CNN: How Government Blocks Health Care Access for the Poor: Cato
Obama's Economic Attacks Could Backfire: AmPower

Scandal Central

States Join Extortion Racket Against Book Publishers: ObjStd
The Cronyism Board: Tourism Board Stacked With Obama Cronies: Beacon
Republicans Backing Off Holder Contempt Charges, Exemplifies Systemic RINO Problem: AT

Climate & Energy

Necessary Skyrocketing: Greenroom
Obama’s America: EPA Officials Visit Man For Sending Email: POH Diaries
Newton (MA) saves money by going green. Sort of. Not really.: AT


Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert: Their Campaign of Political Terrorism: Patterico
Lying Felon Can’t Stop Lying: RSM
Brett Kimberlin Update: The Big Guns Are Coming on Board--Cain, Erickson Enter the Fray: Hideout

Newsflash: Liberals Confirm They Have No Sense of Humor or Irony: Bruce
Get Your Story Straight: Conservatory
Is conservative blogger in Georgia another victim of “lawfare”?: LI

Brett Kimberlin Plotted To Have Witnesses, Former Assistant US Attorney Killed: Ace
Who is Brett Kimberlin?: EBL
D-Minus-1: Preparing For Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day: Camp o' the Saints


Obama’s Blockbuster Secrets: Foundry
Here’s the Real Deal No BS Situation with Europe (Warning What Follows is Extremely Bad).: ZH
US preparing plan to vet members of Free Syrian Army to determine if suitable to receive arms transfers: Fox


What Common Objects Used to Be Made Of: Wired
Inside the Attacker's Toolbox: Botnet Web Attack Scripts: SpiderLabs
Facebook At $22 Seen In Europe’s Structured Warrants: Bloomberg


Obama and Soviet Agitprop: A Handshake Across Time and Space: Cube
"If Fuzzy Wuzzy was Prezzy, he'd do something different.": MOTUS
The Best Quotes From “Maximum Achievement”: Hawkins

Anti-Aging Medicine: Amelia’s Look Into A Medical Controversy: WCCO-4
Class: Bill Clinton Poses With Porn Stars: ABC

Image: The Bad
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate

QOTD: "U.S. taxpayers thinking that they couldn't possibly be forced to stand behind overseas derivatives trading will not be comforted by remarks from Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman Gary Gensler. On Monday he emphasized his determination to extend Dodd-Frank derivatives regulation to overseas markets when subsidiaries of U.S. firms are involved.

Readers know Mr. Gensler as the chief regulator of MF Global, which was run into bankruptcy by his old Beltway and Goldman Sachs pal Jon Corzine. An estimated $1.6 billion is still missing from MF Global customer accounts. What an amazing feat Mr. Gensler will have performed if, through his agency's oversight, he can manage to have U.S. customers eat the cost of Mr. Corzine's bets on foreign debt and have U.S. taxpayers underwrite bets in foreign derivatives trading." --The Wall Street Journal

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