Our liberal rulers want to use an artificially imposed shortage of oil to inflict on us a lower standard of living in the name of their antihuman green ideology, as well as to promote government dependency by hamstringing the economy. As Barack Hussein Obama brazenly lies,“[Y]ou and I both know that with only 2% of the world’s oil reserves, we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices — not when we consume 20 percent of the world’s oil.”Meanwhile, back in reality, The American Dream presents us with 10 facts:But with the right people in charge, we can have an energy shortage with accompanying crippling prices no matter how vast the resources we are sitting on. The Ukraine — where Obama’s fellow oligarchical collectivist Joseph Stalin engineered a famine that killed millions — is known as the Breadbasket of Europe. As the great countermoonbat Milton Friedman observed, if the federal government took charge of the Sahara Desert, there would soon be a shortage of sand.#1 Back in 1995, the U.S. Geological Survey told the American people that the Bakken Shale formation in western North Dakota and eastern Montana only held 151 million barrels of oil. Today, government officials are admitting that it holds 4.3 billion barrels of recoverable oil, and some analysts believe that the actual number could be closer to 20 billion barrels of oil.
#2 It is estimated that there are up to 19 billion barrels of recoverable oil deposits in the tar sands of Utah.
#3 It is estimated that there are at least 86 billion barrels of recoverable oil deposits in the Outer Continental Shelf.
#4 It is believed that there are 800 billion barrels of recoverable oil deposits in the Green River formation in Wyoming.
#5 Overall, the United States is sitting on approximately 1.442 trillion barrels of recoverable oil deposits.
#6 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has a 120 year supply of natural gas.
#7 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has a 200 year supply of oil.
#8 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has a 464 year supply of coal.
#9 According to Pastor Lindsey Williams, absolutely gigantic oil fields have been discovered up in Alaska that the American public is not being told about.
#10 Goldman Sachs is predicting that the United States will be the number one oil producing country in the world by the year 2017.
Why is America the only country on Earth that restricts access to its own vast treasure-trove of natural resources?
Because Democrats and the media are in thrall to the Eco-Marxist Left, that's why. And all of them put together know as much about energy production as Barack Obama knows about economic productivity.
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