Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 4, 2012

"I'm unemployed, my wife left me and the house is getting foreclosed on, but at least we've got a cool president!"

And they say Journolist is dead? Gee, Bucky, this doesn't appear orchestrated or anything.

Via Investors Business Daily ("It's Cool To Be In The Tank For Obama"), let's explore the latest legacy media talking points, straight from the desk of David "Red Diaper Baby" Axelrod:

The Washington Post, 25 April 2012: "The battle for Cool in this election seems unfairly tilted in President Obama’s favor"

The Daily Beast, 25 April 2012: "Obama’s 11 Most Badass Moments"

• ABC News' George Stephanapoulous, 26 April 2012: "Campaigning for the ‘Cool’ Vote"

ContactMusic, 26 April 2012: "Jimmy Fallon - Obama On Late Night Too Cool For Cool?"

Christian Science Monitor, 27 April 2012: "Obama's cool factor: what Romney can do to counter it (+video)"

Washington Post, 27 April 2012: "President Obama is cool. Mitt Romney isn’t."

• Kathleen Parker, 27 April 2012: "Obama's cool factor carries the day"

• ABC News, 27 April 2012: "Republicans Look to Undermine the President’s Coolness and Likeability"

• MSNBC, 27 April 2012: "Will Obama's 'coolness' factor work against him?"

Alaska Dispatch, 27 April 2012: "What Romney can do to counter Obama's 'cool factor'"

• CBS News, 27 April 2012: "Can Mitt Romney Make Boring Sexy?"

• Paul Cunningham, 27 April 2012: "Stuck with a socially awkward nominee, Republicans hate it that Obama is so cool"

The Nation, 28 April 2012: "The GOP’s Fear of a Cool Obama"

We Americans don't want a "cool" president. We want a competent one. One who believes in individual sovereignty, personal liberty, free enterprise, a growing and productive private sector, the Declaration and the Constitution. We want a competent president who respects America's laws, its founding, morals and traditions.

And Barack Obama has proven himself, over and over again, to be woefully lacking in each and every one of these areas.

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