Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 12, 2011

Obama Reelection Campaign Thinks You Can Be Bribed For $2.85 a day...

...while robbing the Social Security Trust Fund. Because that's what "the Payroll Tax Cut" is: it's reducing the funds available to Social Security, which is already speeding toward insolvency.

I just received this email from the White House, marketing the president's raid on the Social Security Trust Fund:

The email includes touching stories of families that really, really need that $2.85 a day.

Curious how Democrats never consider the next generation of Americans who will have to repay these debts -- this money borrowed from the future -- that were used to pursue a reelection campaign for a temporary politician.

And notice President Obama's cynical use of official White House email infrastructure to wage his reelection campaign.

Pretty sneaky, eh?

Well, I have news for the president: $40 for two weeks is a "big deal", especially for the next-generation -- which will have to repay this borrowed money with interest.

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