Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 12, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: 'Mischief' voters push Paul to front of GOP race

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'Mischief' voters push Paul to front of GOP race: York
Obama and the F-Word: Power Line
The Trouble with Ron Paul’s Defense: NRO

Did the VA GOP change primary rules last month?: RS
Sunlight needed from Virginia GOP: BauerBlog
VA A.G. Cuccinelli On GOP Primary Ballot: RSM

Ron Paul Campaigning In 1995: Hey, Read My Report!: Ace
The Virginia Primary Mess: Pundette
Paul Goldman helps Newt Gingrich with Virginia ballot: Politico


Obama gives back some of the Corzine cash: Hot Air
Crony Holidays: Schumer kin gets judgeship for Xmas: Malkin
Chart of the Day: Medicare Spending: Foundry

Certain prediction for 2012: Thomas
Pelosi Spends Holidays Sacrificing For Her Beloved 99%: Malkin
LTRO Bazooka an Epic Disaster: ZH

Gunrunner & Energygate

Folding Holder: PunditLeague
Obama’s Green Jobs Program “Infused with Politics at Every Level”: Foundry
List of Congressmen Calling for Holder’s Resignation Continues to Grow: Ammoland

Climate & Energy

Shutting down power plants: Imaginary benefits, extensive harm: Watts
The Volt is a jolt to taxpayers shelling out subsidies: Kelly
New Expansive EPA Power Grab: FPM


Libertarians, Republicans would have benefited from giving Paul the attention he deserves: Betsy's Page
Ron Paul in 2009–‘I Wouldn’t Risk American Lives’ to End the Holocaust: BigGovt
What, If Anything, Could Convince a Ronulan Not to Vote for Ron Paul?: RS

Feds' War on Religion: Norris
Kathleen Sebelius Destroyed Evidence to Protect Planned Parenthood in a Child Rape Case: NewAm
Random Thoughts: Sowell

New Gingrich video: Victory or death: Hot Air
White Supremacist Founder of Stormfront Says His Followers Are Volunteering For Ron Paul’s Campaign: WZ
Just days after 9/11, Ron Paul blames America: Scoop


A Month of Christian Persecution: Power Line
Tennessee mom finds Islam in kid’s textbook, revised and sanitized: Creeping
Over 1,000 Christians Targeted & Murdered Worldwide by Islamists in 2011: GWP

Ron Paul is the Real Warmonger: RedState
Iranian Lawmaker: 'These War Games Are a Warning to the Western Countries': CNS
Twitter Continues To Evade Explaining Its Breaking of U.S. Law and Its Indirect Support For Online Jihad: MEMRI

Black Muslim Who Harrassed Many Shot Dead by Atlanta Police: GWP
Japan Seeks to Market Record 145 Trillion Yen Bonds in 2012: Mish
Italian Yields Spike To The Highest Level Since November: Insider


Highly critical zero day vulnerability in Windows discovered: Gladiator AV
Stratfor Hacking Victims Targeted After Comments: ABC
Who owns your Twitter account? Check out this lawsuit: CNet


Kids say the darndest things: MOTUS
A perfect example of self-defense, and sound good sense: Bookworm
Obama Golfs for the 90th Time as President: Dossier

Image: Ron Paul and the racist newsletters (Fact Checker biography)
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Action Alert: Contact Virginia's GOP Regarding Ballot Access

QOTD: "Shortly after he gave General Motors a $53 billion bailout in 2009, President Barack Obama said the plug-in Chevrolet Volt would be salvation of the beleaguered automaker. Consumers will buy 120,000 Volts each year from 2012 onwards, the Energy Department predicted then. But through November, only 6,142 Volts have been sold. And that pitiful figure is inflated by purchases for government fleets.

Johan de Nysschen, president of Audi of America, isn’t surprised.

“No one is going to pay a $15,000 premium for a car that competes with a (Toyota) Corolla,” he told Lawrence Ulrich of MSN Autos in 2009. “So there are not enough idiots who will buy it.”" --Jack Kelly

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