Tonight, a brain surgeon [Ed: vetted by Levin's staff] called into Mark Levin's radio show and said that he had just recently visited Washington DC to review Obama’s new health care plan for advanced neurosurgical care for patients over 70 years old, issued by HHS. The plan, that included "ethics panels", stated that if you are over 70 years old and on government supported healthcare and you visited an emergency room, you get “comfort care” [Ed: that is, no aggressive treatment].Caller: Basically what the document stated was that if you were over 70 and you’d come into an emergency room and you’re on government supported health care, that you’d get “comfort care”.
Mark Levin: Wait a minute... what’s the source for this?
Caller: This is Obama’s new health care plan for advanced neurosurgical care.
Mark Levin: And who issued this? HHS?
Caller: Yes. And basically they don’t call them patients, they call them units. And instead of, they call it “ethics panels” or “ethics committees”, would get together and meet and decide where the money would go for hospitals, and basically for patients over 70 years of age, that advanced neurosurgical care was not generally indicated.
Mark Levin: So it’s generally going to be denied?
Caller: Yes, absolutely... If someone comes in at 70 years of age with a bleed in their brain, I can promise you I’m not going to get a bunch of administrators together on an ethics panel at 2 in the morning to decide that I’m OK to do surgery.
The ludicrous "Politifact" website hardest hit.
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