Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 11, 2011

It's official: we're in the midst of Jimmy Carter's second term

Welcome back, Carter! Does this scene look familiar?

Regarding Iran, remember when then-presidential candidate Obama's website read as follows: "Obama is the only major candidate who supports tough, direct presidential diplomacy with Iran without preconditions"?

That kind of tough talk really showed the Mullahs, eh?

In related news, I believe I've come up with an excellent proxy for the level of economic distress felt around the world thanks to our feckless Democrat leaders. I call it O-FAIL, which stands for the Obama Financial Anxiety Index Level™.

O-FAIL takes all of the world's instability, hysteria, deficit spending, money printing, fears of energy disruption, terrorism and war -- and encapsulates them into a single, easy-to-understand number.

The higher O-FAIL gets, the worse things are around the world. Check out the O-FAIL index. You can see that over the past couple of years, immediately after the election of Barack Obama, it began going parabolic.

O-FAIL is also known as the price of gold.

The last time it was this high, in inflation-adjusted terms, one James Earl Carter was President.

Carter's second term -- confirmed.

Update: SCOAMF's Gallup Job Approval Falls Below Carter's!

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