Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 10, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: Primer for the 3Q Obama for America (OfA) numbers

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Primer for the 3Q Obama for America (OfA) numbers: RS
Buffett’s NYC Fundraiser For Obama a Flop, "Disappointing": WZ
How’s That Constitutional Rule Working Out?: RWN

The Left: A Century of Fostering Racial Tension: PJM
Cain's TeaCon 2011 Straw Poll Win, Director Loss: Publius
Dimwit Protesters Tie Up Traffic on Brooklyn Bridge: JWF


Parents Getting Arrested for 'Education Theft': LoneCon
Portfolio: Preparing for Greece's Failure: Stratfor
The AMD Event: ZH

More Finger-Pointing From The Blame-Shifting President: Ace
Green jobs? At $23 million a pop?: Q&O
FICO Survey: “Sharp and Deep Turn to Pessimism”: Mish

Gunrunner & Solyndra

Top Dem bundler lobbied for $737m loan guarantee: Exam
Energy Dept's Billions in Last-minute Loans: NewAm
Solyndra Expands into Energygate: Dossier

Climate & Energy

Politicizing Energy Independence: Knish
Wikileaks: UN Green Energy Policy Is Basically a Fiasco: GWP
Icy skepticism hits Slashdot: WUWT


Soros-Funded "Journalism" Course Urges Journalists to Keep Silent on Death Toll of Islamic Terorrism: Cobb
Figures. White House Tipped Off AP Ahead of Michelle’s Target Photo-Op: GWP
Notre Dame president "bewildered" by Obama's contraception, sterilization, morning-after pill mandate: Pundette

New York Times Freelancer Arrested In Occupy Wall Street Protest: NB
Bill Clinton: How Giving Me a Little Credit for a Couple of Things?: Malkin
That Ain't Right: Jawa

The Left's Civility: Calling for the Death of Herman Cain: PunditPress
The cellphone temperance movement: JPA
Even Ralph Nader is Calling for an Obama Impeachment: HuffPo


Anwar al-Awlaki, an American Citizen, Pure B*!!@#$%: Virtuous Republic
Exclusive: The Inside Story Behind the Awlaki Assassination: IPT
Fatah Central Committee Member Calls Netanyahu, Obama "Scumbags"; Talks of "The Greater Goal": MEMRI

Showing some spine, Congress blocks $200 million in aid to Palestinians: Moran
Islamic Jew hatred comes to Euro soccer league: Creeping
'The Only Option'?: Matzav

The ‘Mosqueteria’ and Canada’s Fuzzy Church-State Line: PJM
Political Scientist Barbara Walter Beclowns Herself with Theory of Palestinian Bargaining: American Power
England's Obamacare: Breast Cancer Doctors' Blunders Leave 11 Dead: Daily Mail


AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II review: Engadget
A beginner's guide to telecom jargon, part 8: CNet
Microsoft “Accidentally” Tags Chrome As Malware: Crunch


Everybody’s pulling their weight around here: Lady M’s in the lead: MOTUS
6 Work Place Shoe Faux Pas To Avoid: BusinessPundit
Daily Scoreboard: Surber

Image: Legal Insurrection
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Adam Hasner for U.S. Senate

QOTD: "[The] public pension crisis is not going away. It actually is getting worse every year, because politicians, financiers and union bosses lie to taxpayers, public workers and themselves about how much retirement benefits truly cost.

Right now, based on U.S. Census Bureau calculation of a 17.6 percent gain year over year ending June 30, somebody still has to kick in more than $30 trillion for what we already owe, or pension checks bounce...

Guess who has to pay up or have our property confiscated? Taxpayers. This is at least $30 trillion taken from a generation already burdened with the biggest government legacy debt in history. It is locked in; no reforms going forward have any significant impact." --Frank Keegan

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